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Home > Health LibraryAll TopicsA > Abuse

Search Results 11–20 of 31 Web Pages | < Previous | Next > | Show All | See Categories and Related Topics
Elder Abuse -- National Women's Health Information Center
Data and resources related to violence and abuse against older women. Users can link to other web sites with information on this topic.... Details >
National Women's Health Information Center, Office on Women's Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
FAQ’s - Domestic Violence  External Links Disclaimer Logo
This page provides the most commonly asked questions about domestic violence.... Details >
Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence
Inhalant Abuse Fact Sheet  External Links Disclaimer Logo
Commonly known among kids as "huffing," "bagging," or "sniffing," inhalant abuse is the deliberate concentration and inhalation of common products found in homes, offices, and schools to get high. Thi... Details >
Partnership for a Drug-Free America
Intimate Partner Violence
This fact sheet provides background and statistics on intimate partner violence and its incidence/prevalence, risk and protective factors, and intervention/prevention.... Details >
National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma  External Links Disclaimer Logo
This journal offers information on vital issues surrounding aggression, aggression, maltreatment, and/or trauma. You'll learn how to prevent these behaviors, how to help victims, and how to intervene ... Details >
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Journal of Emotional Abuse  External Links Disclaimer Logo
The interdisciplinary Journal of Emotional Abuse provides a forum for interaction among practitioners, policymakers, and researchers in mental health, social services, law, child development, social a... Details >
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Long-Term Consequences of Child Abuse and Neglect
Also available in: Spanish
The impact of child abuse and neglect is far greater than its immediate, visible effects. These experiences can shape child development and have consequences that last years, even lifetimes. This docu... Details >
Child Welfare Information Gateway
McGruff and Scruff's Drug and Violence Prevention Story and Activity Book
Stories, games and quizzes especially for Native American children with important messages about drugs and alcohol, sexual abuse and other violent acts.... Details >
Indian Health Service, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
National Domestic Violence Hotline  External Links Disclaimer Logo
The hotline offers crisis intervention, safety planning, information about domestic violence and referrals to local service providers. It also offers a direct connection to domestic violence resources... Details >
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Patterns and Characteristics of Codependence   External Links Disclaimer Logo
This page offers patterns and characteristics as a tool to aid in self-evaluation. ... Details >
Co-Dependents Anonymous

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