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Grants Overview

North Dakota Telepharmacy Project
North Dakota State University College of Pharmacy, Nursing, and Allied Sciences

CMP FY 02, 03, 04, 05

NDSU College of Pharmacy, Nursing, and Allied Sciences
123 Sudro Hall
Fargo, ND 58105

Amy LeClare
Ph: 828-281-1954
Fax: 828-281-1988

Network Partners:

Licensed rural community and hospital pharmacists and pharmacies, rural communities, North Dakota State Board of Pharmacy, and North Dakota State Pharmaceutical Association.

Project Purpose:

To establish, restore, or retain pharmacy services in medically underserved rural communities in North Dakota through the use of telepharmacy technology. To allow a licensed pharmacist at a central pharmacy site to supervise a registered pharmacy technician at a remote telepharmacy site in processing prescriptions for patients. Activities are in full compliance with all rules and regulations for the practice of pharmacy in the State as established by the North Dakota State Board of Pharmacy.

Outcomes Expected/Project Accomplishments:

To provide rural citizens with access to a pharmacist health professional and pharmacy services in their own community; to improve economic development in remote rural communities by building new businesses and adding new jobs; by building new businesses and adding new jobs; to improve recruitment and retention of pharmacists in rural areas; to make rural pharmacies more attractive as a business; to provide relief help for sick-time, vacations, and professional leave for pharmacists practicing in rural areas; to provide educational opportunities for pharmacy students at the University.

Service Area:

Since September 2002, fifty-seven pharmacies in 29 MUA counties in North Dakota and two in Minnesota are participating in delivering telepharmacy services including 21 central sites serving 36 remote telepharmacy sites with 44 being retail pharmacies and 13 being hospital pharmacies serving a population of more than 40,000 rural citizens.


Pharmacy operations software on a standard PC computer; digital imaging camera; Polycom- FX or VSX video conferencing equipment; VPN/firewall, and 20" television monitor, located at both remote telepharmacy spoke site and central pharmacy hub site.


Transmitted over the Internet using DSL lines at 512K bandwidth or dedicated fractional T1 and secured through a VPN/firewall.