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Home > Consumer GuidesAll TopicsS > Support Groups

Search Results 1–16 of 16 Web Pages | Show in Pages | See Categories and Related Topics
Self-Help Group Sourcebook Online  External Links Disclaimer Logo
This guide has been developed to act as your starting point for exploring real-life support groups and networks that are available throughout the world and in your community. The organizations listed ... Details >
American Self-Help Group Clearinghouse
About Compulsive Gambling  External Links Disclaimer Logo
Compulsive gambling is the obvious symptom of an emotional disorder. The emotional factors involved are: inability or unwillingness to accept reality, emotional insecurity, basic immaturity, and lack ... Details >
Gam-Anon International Service Office
Chapter Finder: Leukemia & Lymphoma Society   External Links Disclaimer Logo
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society is committed to reaching out to those with leukemia, Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma and myeloma in meaningful ways. Programs have been developed all over the U.S. and... Details >
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
Chapter Locator: TOPS Club (Take Off Pounds Sensibly)   External Links Disclaimer Logo
This site provides a database to help you find centers for weight control in a specific zip code and surrounded areas.... Details >
TOPS Club, Inc. (Take Off Pounds Sensibly)
Consumer Support Groups  External Links Disclaimer Logo
Browse this alphabetical listing of health conditions and topics to find a related support group.... Details >
Nonprofit/Professional Entity--Follow the Resource URL for More Information
Families Anonymous Meeting locations  External Links Disclaimer Logo
This site provides a list to every state to help you find local support groups for Families Anonymous.... Details >
Families Anonymous, Inc.
Find a Support Group: Obesity Action Coalition  External Links Disclaimer Logo
This page links to obesity information specific to your state, including government resources, local support groups, and other resources. ... Details >
Obesity Action Coalition
How To Find An A.A. (Alcoholics Anonymous) Meeting  External Links Disclaimer Logo
Alcoholics Anonymous is worldwide with A.A. meetings in almost every community. ... Details >
Alcoholics Anonymous
How to Locate a Meeting: Al-Anon/Alateen  External Links Disclaimer Logo
Al-Anon and Alateen meetings are held in most communities to help families of alcoholics. Search these listings to find information and meetings held locally and throughout the U.S., Canada, and Puert... Details >
Al-Anon Family Groups, Inc.
Lung Cancer Support Groups  External Links Disclaimer Logo
A state listing of support groups for persons diagnosed with lung cancer and, in some cases, their families.... Details >
Lung Cancer Alliance
Organizational Database: National Organization for Rare Disorders  External Links Disclaimer Logo
Search from more than 2,000 patient organizations and other sources of help for people with rare diseases. ... Details >
National Organization for Rare Disorders, Inc.
Patient and Family Support: Amyloidosis Support Network  External Links Disclaimer Logo
This page provides information on patients and Families support.... Details >
Amyloidosis Support Network, Inc.
State Chapters: Prevent Child Abuse America  External Links Disclaimer Logo
Prevent Child Abuse America's network of 40 statewide Chapters are critical to the successful realization of our mission.To find the Chapter in your home state please click on your state on the accomp... Details >
Prevent Child Abuse America
Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndromes Networking Program   External Links Disclaimer Logo
This networking program will allow you to contact others in your geographical area and/or in similar circumstances regarding Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndromes.... Details >
Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndromes (SADS) Foundation
Support Group Locations - Society for Progressive Supranuclear Palsy  External Links Disclaimer Logo
Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) is an under-recognized brain disorder that causes serious and permanent problems with control of gait, balance, and eye movement. This document lists PSP Support ... Details >
Society for Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
Supportive and End-of-Life Care Resource  External Links Disclaimer Logo
Supportive and End-of-Life Care like hospice care, support and survivorship is the information provided in this document. ... Details >
Oncology Nursing Society

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