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OSM Seal Grant Programs
Following is a description of all Office of Surface Mining grant programs.
Regulatory Program
The coal regulatory program is authorized by Title V of the Surface Mining Law. A state may choose to take over the regulation of surface coal mining operations ("primacy"). If it does the state must develop a plan for the program, which must be approved by the Secretary of the Interior. Functions of a state coal regulatory program include permitting, inspection of mine sites, enforcement of mining laws and regulations, and bond release after mining and reclamation is complete. Small Operator Assistance Program (SOAP) operational grants
Small Operator Assistance Program operational grants are 100% federally funded. States receive funding to provide small coal operators with some of the technical and scientific analysis needed to apply for a mining permit as required under Surface Mining Law. Small Operator Assistance Program operational grants last three years. Small Operator Assistance Program administrative costs are included in the coal Regulatory Administration & Enforcement grants. Application and report requirements are the same as forRegulatory Administration & Enforcement grants to states.

Abandoned Mine Land (AML) Grants
The Abandoned Mine Land program is authorized in Title IV of the Surface Mining Law. States with an approved program, or specific Indian tribes, are eligible for Abandoned Mine Land grants. The funds come from fees paid by active coal mine operators on each ton of coal mined.

Abandoned Mine Land grants have several different program functions, or subaccounts, combined into one grant agreement. The subaccounts all begin at the starting date of the grant, but they end at different times.

Abandoned Mine Land grants are 100% federally funded. Applications are due to the Office of Surface Mining 60 days before the grant is expected to begin. The application includes a signature page (form SF-424), a budget (OSM 49) and a narrative explanation of budget items, a program narrative (may use OSM-51), certifications (DI-2010), and assurances (SF-424B). See the Forms page to download an application package or individual forms. Applications and reports may be sent to the Office of Surface Mining electronically or in hard copy, an original signed form and two copies.

The grantee must submit programmatic reports (which may use the OSM 51 form) and financial reports (form OSM 49). Annual reports are due 90 days after each year, and final reports are due 90 days after the end of each subaccount.

Watershed Cooperative Agreement Program
The Office of Surface Mining awards cooperative agreements to not-for-profit organizations, especially small watershed groups, that undertake local acid mine drainage (AMD) reclamation projects. The maximum award amount is normally $100,000. See the Watershed Cooperative Agreements page to find out more about the program and how to apply.

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Office of Surface Mining
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Washington, D.C. 20240