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SSD Success Stories


The Economist: "Software that Makes Software Better"
SAMATE project leader, Paul E. Black was interviewed for The Economist's March 6, 2008 article, "Software that makes software betters". The article, which includes interviews from leading software assurance researchers, discusses software tools for improving code quality, programmer productivity and cost-effectiveness of fixing buggy software.

CCHIT, IHE and NIST Collaborate in Developing Health IT Testing Tools
The NIST, Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technology (CCHIT) and Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) are collaborating where practical to build healthcare IT testing tools, in order to minimize duplication of effort and provide consistency in testing and standards compliance. A CCHIT press release describes the Framework for Collaboration which clarifies the roles and goals of fostering standards-based interoperability of healthcare IT systems.

Thomas R. Rhodes and Thelma Allen Receive 2007 Bronze Medal
Tom Rhodes and Thelma Allen are being recognized with the 2007 Bronze Medal as part of a NIST-wide team for contributions to the first-ever assessment of the U.S. measurement system’s ability to sustain innovation at a world-leading pace.
Measurement is key to a nation’s ability to innovate. A new NIST report, “An Assessment of the U.S. Measurement System: Addressing Measurement Barriers to Accelerate Innovation,” details results of the first-ever assessment of the capacity of the nation’s measurement infrastructure to sustain U.S. innovation at a world-leading pace. This assessment was a massive undertaking that required extensive coordination across NIST and with external contributors. The USMS Task Group provided the executive and editorial leadership that produced the report. The results of this project have been recognized by Administration and congressional policy makers, and the report is helping to guide priority setting by NIST and private and public sector organizations as they identify and overcome measurement barriers to innovation.

HITSP Endorses NIST-Developed HIT Website:
ANSI's Health Information Technology Standards Panel endorses the Health Information Technology (HIT) Implementation Testing and Support web site for the Nationwide Health Information Network (NHIN) Initiative. The site was developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in partnership with HITSP, the Certification Commission (CCHIT), and the HHS Office of the National Coordinator (ONC). The web site is a starting point for providing HIT implementers with access to the tools and resources needed to support and test the implementation of standards-based health systems. The site currently provides information about the NHIN initiatives, CCHIT, HITSP, the Interoperability Specifications, the standards referenced by these specifications, and the available test resources.

Klocwork tool uses NIST's SAMATE Reference Dataset:
Klocwork Inc, a provider of automated source code analysis software for improving software security and quality, used the NISTs Software Assurance Metrics and Test Evaluation (SAMATE) Reference Dataset <> (SRD) to measure the comprehensiveness of its analysis software tool, Klocwork K7.7. The SAMATE Reference Dataset (SRD) provides users, researchers, and tool developers with a set of known security flaws that allow end users to evaluate tools and tool developers to test their methods. Using the SRD, the Klocwork K7.7 tool successfully detected a wide range of security vulnerabilities, with a pass rate exceeding 90%.

SAMATE project publications and products are recommended reading in the Secure Software Development course at the Communications Security Establishment, Canada's National Cryptologic Agency.

Software from the SAMATE project is included in the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Foundation's Web Application Scanner tool, Pantera.

John Garguilo and Gavin O’Brien Receive 2006 Bronze Medal
John Garguilo and Gavin O’Brien were recognized at NIST’s 2006 Awards Ceremony as part of a team from the Advanced Technology Program. The team was recognized for successfully developing and implementing an electronic business process workflow solution known as the Workflow Information Resource Center (WIRC). The WIRC online resource center surmounted the difficult and complex problem of integrating a diverse set of applications, systems, and data sources created over the first 13 years of the ATP program. The Bronze Medal Award is the highest honorary recognition available for Institute presentation. The award recognizes work that has resulted in more effective and efficient management systems as well as the demonstration of unusual initiative or creative ability in the development and improvement of methods and procedures.

Leonard Gebase and Robert Snelick Receive 2006 Bronze Medal
Leonard Gebase and Rob Snelick were recognized at NIST’s 2006 Awards Ceremony with a Bronze Medal for their achievement in advancing and improving conformance testing for specifications that require trading partner agreements or profiles to define the interface specifics for interoperability. They have developed an innovative methodology and software tool to automatically produce self adapting test messages that are dynamically created for implementations of the Health Level 7 standard. The Bronze Medal Award is the highest honorary recognition available for Institute presentation. The award recognizes work that has resulted in more effective and efficient management systems as well as the demonstration of unusual initiative or creative ability in the development and improvement of methods and procedures.

NIST XDS Profile implementation incorporated by the Saphire Project:
The Saphire Project, supported by the eHealth Unit of the European Commission, aims to develop an intelligent healthcare monitoring and decision support system on a platform integrating the wireless medical sensor data with hospital information systems. As part of the Saphiae Project, the IHE ATNA, CT and PIX Profiles were implemented on top of the NIST XDS Profile implementation and successfully demonstrated at the eHealth Conference in Malaga Spain as part of the Roadmap for Interoperability of eHealth Systems (RIDE). JoJim Lyle and Doug White receive DoC Silver Medal for their work in computer forensics. They are being recognized for their achievement in developing computer forensic standards and test methods needed for successful investigation and prosecution of crimes involving computers. The Silver Medal is the second highest honorary award granted by the Secretary of Commerce for exceptional performance characterized by noteworthy or superlative contributions which have a direct and lasting impact within the Department.

Jim Lyle and Doug White receive DoC Silver Medal Award for Computer Forensics:
Jim Lyle and Doug White receive DoC Silver Medal for their work in computer forensics. They are being recognized for their achievement in developing computer forensic standards and test methods needed for successful investigation and prosecution of crimes involving computers. The Silver Medal is the second highest honorary award granted by the Secretary of Commerce for exceptional performance characterized by noteworthy or superlative contributions which have a direct and lasting impact within the Department.

HIMSS Interoperability Showcase features the NIST XDS reference implementation:
Connecting clinicians using interoperable electronic health record (EHR) products and standards so that they can share patient data was the focus of the 2005 Annual Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) Interoperability Showcase. The NIST cross-enterprise document sharing (XDS) reference implementation served as the 'hub' in a multi-vendor demonstration, where multiple vendors demonstrated the concept of an EHR based on XDS. Using the NIST reference implementation, multiple organizations were able to demonstrate cross-vendor integration and interoperability. Creating an interoperable health information architecture in which clinical data can be shared by clinicians at the point of care is a national priority and part of President Bush's vision for the future of healthcare in the United States.

FDA uses NSRL in Botox-botulism poisoning case:
In November 2004, four people were hospitalized with botulism poisoning after getting what they thought was Botox injections.  The Food and Drug Administration investigators needed to act quickly in this life threatening situation to identify and warn anyone else who might have used the botulism. Needing software that could read the shipping records, but unable to obtain a copy this obsolete software  the FDA turned to NIST's NSRL. The NSRL's extensive software library was able to provide the FDA with a copy of the software.  Using the software, the FDA was able to warn hundreds of individuals that they were at risk of botulism poisoning.

U.S. Election Assistance Commission recommends NSRL use:
As part of its electronic voting security strategy, Election Assistance Commission (EAC) Chairman Soaries requested that voting software vendors submit their certified software to the National Software Reference Library (NSRL) at NIST. Using the NSRL will facilitate the tracking of software version usage and integrity.

ALTOV uses NIST XSLT conformance test suite
Altov, creator of software development tools, including XMLSPY, uses the NIST XSLT test suite as part of their quality assurance process and incorporates the tests into their own test suite. “It is a pillar of the ALTOVAXSLT processor test-suite, and one that we are grateful for.”

American Telemedicine Association defines standards for tele-retinal imaging
Together ATA and NIST/Information Technology Laboratory have conducted a series of workshops to identify standards needed to provide ocular care through telecommunications technology. This effort focused on tele-retinal imaging for the assessment of diabetic retinopathy (e.g., taking images of the eye and evaluating those images to diagnose and treat diabetic retinopathy). The result of these workshops is a consensus-based document that includes the identification of appropriate technical standards, clinical protocols, and administrative arrangements. It will be promulgated as an ATA Technical Standard and be published in the ATA Journal. As a Technical Standard, it will be used to advance the use of telemedicine in fields related to ophthalmology, optometry, and optical engineering.

NIST XQuery test suite used by the BumbleBee XQuery test harness
The BumbleBee, an automated test harness for evaluating XQuery engines and validating queries expressed in the W3C XQuery language, includes over 1000 of the NIST XQuery test suite. The NIST test suite currently provides Function and Operator tests.

NIJ publishes test report based on SSD's Computer Forensics Tool Testing methodology
The Department of Justice's National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Special Report documents results of testing Red Hat Linux dd against the SSD's Computer Forensics Tool Testing (CFTT) project's Disk Imaging Tool Specification. As a result of the testing, computer forensics laboratories across the country have made procedural changes to the way they use dd in investigations. This is the first of many test reports that NIJ will publish. The test results provide information for toolmakers to improve tools used in computer forensics investigations, users to make informed choices, and the legal community and others to understand the tools' capabilities.

NIST CFTT cited in Moussaoui Trial
In the trail of alleged terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui, the only person publicly charged in the United States in connection with the September 11 terrorist attacks, a court document filed on December 30, 2002, by David J. Novak, Assistant United States Attorney, referenced results of the NIST CFTT project supporting the governments use of computer forensic tools in examining the defendant's computer systems.

Guidance Software EnCase Tool imports the NSRL's RDS
One of the preeminent computer forensic tools, EnCase, has included the ability to import SSD's National Software Reference Library's Reference Data Set (RDS). The National Software Reference Library (NSRL) is designed to collect software from various sources and incorporate file profiles computed from this software into a Reference Data Set (RDS) of information. The RDS can be used by law enforcement, government, and industry organizations to review files on a computer by matching file profiles in the RDS. This will help alleviate much of the effort involved in determining which files are important as evidence on computers or file systems that have been seized as part of criminal investigations.

NSRL and CFTT projects cited in Handbook of Computer Crime Investigation
SSD's NSRL and CFTT projects are both described in the Handbook of Computer Crime Investigation edited by Eoghan Casey, 2002.

Jim Lyle to serve as a member of the Journal of Digital Evidence
Jim Lyle was invited to join the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Digital Evidence. The Journal is a forum for discussion of theory, research, policy, and practice in the rapidly changing field of digital evidence.

John Barkley receives DoC Gold Medal Award for RBAC
John Barkley and members of the Role Based Access Control (RBAC) Team received the 2002 Department of Commerce Gold Medal Award. The award citation stated, "Their technical acumen and successful transfer saved private industry $295 million, accelerated deployment by one year, brought an essential security capability to the marketplace..." This award is the highest honor award conferred upon an employee by the Department of Commerce for rare and distinguished contributions of major significance to the Department or the Nation.

Bill Majurski receives DoC Bronze Medal Award
Bill Majurski received the 2002 Department of Commerce Bronze Medal Award for his work on Health Information Systems (HIS) and his contributions to the Department of Veteran Affairs. The award citation stated, "His work improves the quality and cost effectiveness of HIS and also enables interoperability among both new and legacy systems." This award is granted by the NIST Director for superior contributions to NIST.

XSLT Conformance Tests included in XML Tester Tool
The XSLT Conformance Tests have been included as part of a demonstration of an open-source repository-based testing tool called XML Tester. The XML Tester is intended to be a tool for rigorous black-box validation of systems that process XML messages. The NIST XSLT tests were selected because they span a useful range of functionality, are easy to read, and are uniformly and clearly structured.

DOM Level 2 HTML is now a Proposed W3C Recommendation
The NIST developed DOM Level 2 HTML test suite contributed towards the W3C DOM Level 2 HTML specification becoming a proposed W3C Recommendation. As part of the requirements for progressing through the W3C document process, the DOM test suite was used to demonstrate that at least two implementations were correct and could interoperate.

Apache XML includes NIST test cases for XSLT
The Apache XML Project includes the XSLT test cases developed by SSD's Carmelo Montanez-Rivera as part of its Apache Xalan-Java tests. Xalan-Java is an open source XSLT processor for transforming XML documents into HTML, text, or other XML document types. These tests are provided for Xalan contributors to evaluate the impact of code changes to ensure that these changes don't cause any regressions to the current Xalan code. The Apache XML Project (part of the Apache Software Foundation) is an open source repository of standard based XML solutions.

Testing X-Hive/DB against the DOM Test Suite
X-Hive/DB, a native XML database, declared that when tested against the DOM Conformance Test suite, X-Hive/DB passed all 290 tests (Note: 290 is the number of tests as of March 25, 2002).

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