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News Archives

NIST hosts HL7 EHR System Profile Registry. Use the Registry to view or search for EHR-S profiles or to submit a profile.

NIST Special Publication 500-268, Source Code Security Analysis Tool Functional Specification is now available

Organizations and users can now download the Healthcare Standards Landscape software tool, a web based repository of healthcare information.

NIST contributes to new standard for electronic health records, ANSI/HL7 EHR-system Functional Model.

NIST Static Analysis Summit II, November 8 & 9, 2007, Fairfax, VA. Call for papers due: September 3, 2007

NIST to speak on its healthcare activities at IHE Showcase at the HIMSS Conference, February 2007

Draft NIST Special Publication 500-268: Source Code Security Analysis Tool Specification is available for review

NIST Faculty member, Professor Jeff Offut becomes the new editor-in-chief of Wiley's Journal of Software Testing, Verification and Reliability.

Congratulations to Jarrett Inn on Receiving the Destination Anywhere: Award of Excellence from VSA Arts and Volkswagen for his Artwork

Second Open Grid Forum (OGF) Workshop OnGrid Reliability and Robustness in Grid Computing Systems At OGF19, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA, January 29 – February 2, 2007

NIST HealthCare Standards Landscape listed in Government Health IT

SAMATE Proceedings of the Static Analysis Summit, June 29, 2006.

NSRL used in commercial company's web service to identify unknown files

HIMSS Summit: Achieving National Healthcare Transformation June 7-8, 2006 Washington D.C. NIST is a cosponsor of this event. (please note: this link takes you off the NIST site)

NIST Director testifies on Healthcare IT before a Congressional subcommittee.

NIST demonstrates Medical Device testing tool, ICS-Generator at HIMSS Conference's Interoperability Showcase, February 13-16, San Diego CA.

NIST and Global Grid Forum Hosts: Workshop on Reliability and Robustness in Grid Computing Systemss, February 13-16, 2006, Athens, Greece. Call for Participation.

Request for IEEE 1073 enabled medical devices.

A new W3C Recommendation, QA Framework: Specification Guidelines now available. NIST was co-editor of this how to write a better specification guideline.

NIST contributes over 6000 tests to the W3C XML Query Test Suite.

October 2005,, NIST Tech Beat article features Healthcare Standards Landscape 

Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing NIST establishes open source project iheos, hosted on Source Forge.

Message Maker (Beta version) a HL7 v2 conformance toool is available for download.

NSRL for Voting  Allows verification that voting software has not been modified.

NIST Medical Device Testing project demonstrates ICS-generation tool for medical devices at HIMSS IHE Showcase, Febrary 2006. This tool facilitates the creation of vendor conformance statements as well as section of tests that would be applicable to testing a particular device. NIST works collaborately with the newly formed Patient Care Device Domain within IHE (Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise initiative) and the IEEE 1073 Standards committee in developing conformance tests and tools to facilitate adoption of standards for communicating medical device data throughout the healthcare enterprise as well as into the electronic health record.

NIST prsents voting standard development activities. NIST researchers to present at the EAC Standards Board meeting.

CONGRATULATIONS. Jim Lyle and Doug White who are recognized for their technical achievement in Computer Forensics by receiving this year's Department of Commerce Silver Medal.

Software Assurance Workshop. On August 10 and 11, 2005, the Software Quality Group, Software and Systems Division, Information Technology Laboratory hosted a workshop on Describing the State of the Art in Software Security Assurance (SSA) Tools at NIST North. 45 people from outside NIST attended, including representatives from the federal government (NSF, FDA, NSA, DoD, and DHS), seven universities, more than a dozen tool vendors and service providers, and many research companies. Several groups that have been developing taxonomies of security flaws and vulnerabilities exchanged notes and agreed to work together to develop standard nomenclature. Discussions ranged from whether SSA tools and services are commercially viable to whether there was enough academic interest and research to how best to encourage more secure software to be developed. Many participants volunteered to help work toward a standard reference dataset, a collection of thousands of examples of programs with security flaws, which can be used to validate new work in automatically detecting and preventing such flaws. This workshop is one of a series in the NIST SAMATE project, which is funded by DHS to help identify and enhancement software security assurance tools.

Software Assurance Workshop, August 10-11 2005. Highlights of the Workshop.

NIST CFTT project for testing forensics technologies featured in IT Audit.

HIMSS Summit: Achieving National Healthcare Transformation June 6-7, 2005 New York. NIST is a cosponsor of this event.
(please note: this link takes you off the NIST site)

ebXML Test Framework prototype demonstrated at XML 2004 Conference, Nov. 18, 2004 is now available for be download.

NIST CFTT project for testing forensics technologies featured in IT Audit.

to SSD Gold and Bronze Department of Commerce Award recipients. more

Mike Kass demonstrated the OASIS ebXML Test Framework at the XML 2004 Conference, Nov 18, 2004 in Washington DC. The OASIS ebXML Test Framework is used to conduct remote ebXML testing, either for conformance or interoperability. The ebXML Test Framework prototype is available for download.

Congratulations to SSD Gold and Bronze Department of Commerce Award recipients.Alan Goldfine received the Gold medal for his work on the Smart Card project. Mary Brady, Sandra Martinez, Carmelo Montanez-Rivera, Richard Rivello, John Tebbut received the bronze medal for their work on XML conformance. Both projects have had great success. We are very happy to see our members honored for their dedicated work.

The NIST Healthcare Standards Landscape ( prototype is now available. Use it to search for information about HC standards.

Grid Computer project featured in NIST Tech Beat. Work also noted by the Global Grid Forum's News and cited by: Grid Today and Grid Computing Planet.

SSD works with the Election Assistance Commission (EAC) to help America trust its voting software.

The DADS Website (Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures) created and edited by Paul Black is referenced in the May 2004 issue of Science Magazine.

ITL teamed up with the American Telemedicine Assoc. to improve eye patient care with telemedicine standards. TechBeat, April 23, 2004.

Doug White presented testimony on the National Software Reference Library (NSRL) to the Election Assistance Commission (EAC) at a public hearing on July 13, 2004.

July 9, 2004. SSD's Mark Skall and Doug White presented talks on Writing Quality Specification and the National Software Reference Library (NSRL) at a public hearing of the Election Assistance Commission's Technical Guidelines Development Committee (TGDC) meeting.

NSRL used for voting software. See articles in Government Computer News and Houston Chronicle.

HERMT prototype now available for download. HERMT is a client-side tool to monitor user interaction with web applications.

ITL participates in the HL7 Interoperability Demo.

The NSRL is featured in NIJ's Techbeat (fall 2003) "Electronic Files: Criminal to Historical".

NIST becomes member of File Signature Database Initiative.

Testimony on NIST Smart Card activities by Deputy Under Secretary for Technology, DoC, Benjamin Wu.

Paul Black receives ITL Outstanding Authorship Award -- Paul Black, Rick Kuhn of ITL, and Carl Williams of Physics Lab received the 2003 ITL Outstanding Authorship Award for their paper "Quantum Computing and Communications" published in the jounal Advances in Computers, Academic Press, vol. 56. This publication resulted from the ongoing collaboration in quantum computing research between ITL and the NIST Physics Lab. It is a comprehensive survey of the current state of the art in quantum computing and communications. It was recognized for its reception by the community, and by its readability

ITL participates in the HL7 Interoperability Demo. The HL7 Experimental Registry, being built by ITL is a critical component of the "Standards Drive Healthcare Solutions" demo at the Annual HIMSS Conference, February 2004. The demo is designed to heighten awareness of current efforts towards the interoperability of healthcare systems and technology.

The NSRL is featured in NIJ's Techbeat (fall 2003) -- "Electronic Files: Criminal to Historical" describes how the NSRL is used for uncovering evidence and preserving electronic records.

Tripwire Press Release announces NIST membership in the File Signature Database Initiative, whose goal is to establish industry standards for capturing file fingerprints for software.

The ebXML Test Framework, developed by NIST for the OASIS IIC Committee, was part of a demo "Achieving Interoperability Using Test Frameworks"at XML 2003: Philadelphia (8 Dec. 2003).

NIST XQuery Test Suite Used by the BumbleBee XQuery Test Harness.

Television Data Applications. The NIST report "Television Data Applications" (NIST GCR 01-818) was well-received and widely distributed within the TV industry. It was requested by Brian Aldous, Chair, International Telecommunications Union (ITU) Interactive and Multimedia Broadcasting Working Party (WP6M), and by Glenn Adams, Chair, Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC) Digital TV Applications Software Environment (DASE) Specialist Group (T3/S17). It was also requested by Art Allison, Director Advanced Engineering, National Association of Broadcasters (NAB), to be referenced in a NAB newsletter distributed on September 10, 2001 to all NAB member TV stations. This report ( characterizes Interactive TV (ITV) applications, identifying those types of applications which can be implemented in the different ITV environments. In SSD's ITV standards and testing efforts, SSD partners with the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) De

XML SCHEMA Conformance Test Suite Now Available. NIST has developed and released conformance tests for the built-in simple datatypes defined in the W3C Recommendation XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes. A description of the tests and the tests themselves are freely available at: select "XML Schema."

XSL Conformance Test Suites Now Available. NIST has developed and released conformance tests for both Formatting Objects (XSL-FO) and XSL Transformations (XSLT/Xpath). The XSL-FO tests were developed as part of a larger testing effort within the W3C XSL-FO subgroup. Currently there are over 600 tests. The XSLT/Xpath tests were developed by NIST for inclusion in the OASIS XSLT/XPath test suite. Currently, there are over 200 tests that exercise various XSLT/Xpath features. The test suites are freely available at:

SSD Announces the Availability of the SMPTE DDE (363) Trigger Test Tape SSD has developed and released tests for DDE Triggers, a major element of the Society for Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) Declarative Data Essence (DDE) Standards for Interactive TV. The SSD Trigger Tests complement tests for other elements of the DDE developed by Unisoft Corporation. SSD has developed an Abstract Test Suite for DDE Triggers and a VHS tape containing the trigger tests available to the public for comment and use.

NIST Receives Third Patent for Role Based Access Control Work On March 3, 2001, patent #6,202,066 was issued to NIST for "Implementation of Role/Group Permission Association Using Object Access Type." The inventors were John Barkley and Tony Cincotta of SSD. This is the third patent issued to NIST for work in Role Based Access Control (RBAC), a joint project of SSD and CSD. The first two are #6,023,765 and #6,088,679. NIST RBAC work is also prominently referenced in Microsoft Patent #6,014,666.

XML Conformance Test Suite Release 2.0 Now Available In partnership with the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS), NIST has developed and released an extended XML Test Suite. The test suite, which includes over 2000 tests, provides developers and users with the ability to determine whether their XML parsers conform to the W3C XML 1.0 Recommendation. The test suite can be used to improve the quality of XML parsers and help ensure interoperable, robust XML products. The test suite is freely available at

National Software Reference Library You can participate in the National Software Reference Library (NSRL), a reference collection of software being developed and managed by the SSD for the U.S. Department of Justice's National Institute of Justice (NIJ). The collection contains profiles of known software files for use by local, state, national, and international law enforcement agencies, and industry organizations, in the investigation of computer crimes. It will also assist organizations, such as software manufacturers, distributors, and authors, in assuring that software has not been modified from its original form. See


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