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SSD Division Chief

Photo of Mark Skall
Mark Skall, Chief
Software and Systems Division

Mr. Skall began his employment with NIST in 1978. He is currently the Chief of the Software and Systems Division (SSD) of the Information Technology Laboratory of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). His Division develops testing tools that improve the quality of software in industry and government and works with major standards organizations like W3C, ANSI, ISO, and OASIS to help them develop standards. SSD is internationally recognized as the foremost experts in conformance testing and computer forensics. Major efforts in the Division include:

  • The development of conformance tests, used by industry, to determine adherence to the XML family of standards, including XML, DOM, XSLT, XSL-FO, Schema and Query. These comprehensive test suites are currently used as the metric for testing all XML processors developed by companies such as Microsoft, Sun Microsystems, IBM, etc.
  • Leading national efforts in healthcare informatics by developing standards and tests for HL7, IEEE, and ATA (American Telemedicine Association), including a web based healthcare standards landscape.
  • State-of-the-art research into more effective means of software testing, resulting in a breakthrough technology to automatically generate tests from formal specifications.
  • A comprehensive computer forensics program including the development of the National Software Reference Library, used by all law enforcement agencies to examine seized media for evidence, and the Computer Forensics Tool Testing Program, used to ensure that computer forensics software tools work according to requirements.

Prior to becoming Division Chief in 1996, Mr. Skall was the Manager of the Visualization and Virtual Reality Group within the Computer Systems Laboratory (CSL) of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). This group conducted research and developed metrics to help the private sector and the Federal government utilize computer graphics and virtual reality technologies to access, manipulate and exchange complex visual information. From 1967 to 1978, Mr. Skall was manager of the CAD Branch within David Taylor Research and Development Center.

Mr. Skall was a charter member and Vice-Chairman, of Accredited Standards Committee X3H3 (Computer Graphics) and is the founder and past Chairman of X3H3.4 (Conformance and Language Bindings) and X3H3.7 (Validation, Testing and Registration). Mr. Skall also served as the Rapporteur of the Validation, Testing and Registration Task Group for ISO IEC/JTC1/SC24/WG5. For his work in this area, Mr. Skall received the prestigious Committee Management Award from Accredited Standards Committee X3.

Mr. Skall has served on the Board of Directors of the National Computer Graphics Association as an elected member in charge of standards and integration. Mr. Skall is the author of numerous publications including an invited paper for the Encyclopedia of Software Engineering, entitled “Software Validation”, and an article on NIST's role in graphics standards for a special issue of IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, devoted to graphics standards. He is also the editor of a book published by Springer Verlag, entitled "CGM IN THE REAL WORLD".

Mr. Skall received a BS in Mathematics from Brooklyn College in 1967, an MS in Information Systems Technology from George Washington University in 1977 and a JD from Northern Virginia Law School in 1997.

Contact Information:

Mark Skall
100 Bureau Drive

Mail Stop 8970
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8970
Voice: 301-975-3262
Fax: 301-975-3743
Internet: Mark Skall

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Created: December 2, 2003, Last modified: Monday, 08/13/2007 3:00 PM
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