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Software Components Group

bullter Web Technologies
bullter NIST Role
bullter QA Activities
bullter XML
bullter XML Schema
bullter XML Query
bullter XSL
bullter DOM
bullter Standards Roadmap
bullter Project Members
thin separating line

Web Technologies

The World Wide Web has grown to become the world's digital library, making available information from a vast sea of resources. This phenomenon is due in large part to the success of the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), and it's universal methods for displaying data. In order to enable the next level of web applications, we need flexible methods for defining, interacting with, and exchanging data for a variety of domain-specific applications.

The Extensible Markup Language (XML) and the related XML-based recommendations provides a core infrastructure that will enable this next level of web applications. The success of this technology will be dependent upon the industry's ability to produce applications that are interoperable.

Within these pages, you will find test suites that can be used to determine whether or not a particular implementation conforms to the W3C recommendation.

NIST staff work with appropriate W3C representatives to ensure that our tests complement W3C recommendations. Any ambiguities and/or interpretations that result from those tests are subject to confirmation by the appropriate W3C working group responsible for the recommendation.



NIST XML Query Test (Zip file)

W3C/NIST XML Tests (Zip file)

W3C/NIST XInclude Tests (Zip file)

NIST Schema Tests (Zip file) (HTML)

XSL-FO Tests (Zip file)

XSLT/XPath Tests (Zip file)

W3C/NIST DOM Level1 Tests (Zip file)

NIST Standards Roadmap


NIST is an agency of the U.S. Commerce Department.

Created on March 17, 2003.

Last Modified: Thursday, 09/04/2008 1:31 PM
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