Volunteers for Prosperity
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World Hope International
625 Slaters Lane, Suite 100
Alexandria, VA 22314

Phone: 1-888-466-4673
Fax: 703-923-9418
Email: debbiehoover@worldhope.net
Web Address: www.worldhope.org


About World Hope International

World Hope International (WHI) is a faith-based relief and development organization alleviating suffering and injustice through education, enterprise, and community health. In collaboration with faith communities, like-minded organizations, and individuals around the globe, World Hope seeks to empower people by creating a broad spectrum of locally sustainable programs. These programs include economic development, leadership and skills training, child sponsorship, and community health education. World Hope works in and through the local faith community to bring spiritual, social, economic, and physical change.

Its core values are...

The redemptive power of Jesus, working in and through the local faith community, offers transforming dignity and wholeness to individuals and communities. This transformative power brings spiritual, social, economic, and physical change.

To the extent that local communities, leaders, and individuals are empowered and equipped to affect sustainable change, meaningful and lasting development will happen.

Creating locally sustainable programs is crucial to achieving a lasting impact.

Respectful, knowledgeable partnership with like-minded organizations and individuals is the most powerful means of development.

To the hungry, we offer Life.
To the forgotten, we give Opportunity.
To the outcast, we foster Dignity.
To the desperate, we bring Hope.

International Voluntary Service Activities

Hope Corps:
Hope Corps is the volunteer program of World Hope International which facilitates short-term (one week to one year) outreach opportunities for professionals (medics, technicians, teachers, and businesspeople), college students, families, and individuals. Designed to accommodate a rapidly growing interest in service projects among youth and adults, Hope Corps connects volunteers with ministry projects specially suited to their skills. Service opportunities exist on a continual basis in various countries in Africa, Central America, Asia, and the Caribbean. In the Unites States, Hope Corps mobilizes volunteers in the aftermath of a disaster.

What do Hope Corps Volunteers Do?
The kinds of opportunities Hope Corps offers its international volunteers span many disciplines and categories. Current volunteer opportunities in other countries include positions in teacher training, medical outreach and nursing, English instruction, construction, computer training, outreach to street people, and photography. Over 4,000 volunteers have served through World Hope efforts in the last twelve months.

Mission Statement:
Hope Corps seeks to mobilize individuals and organizations by exercising their specific gifts (personal and financial) and abilities and by working in partnership with persons around the world for the purpose of relief and development.

Purpose Statement:
To provide opportunities for Christian adults to use their specific skills to train and enable individuals worldwide to improve their quality of life and become self-sustaining while integrating a faith-based lifestyle.

Volunteer for Prosperity Opportunities
Number of Opportunities --


Geographic Regions Latin America, Africa, Central America, Asia, and the Caribbean. Other: USA - Hurricane and Tornado Relief


Health & Prosperity Sectors Economic Growth, Health, Capacity Building, Education, HIV/AIDS, Information & Communication Technology, Women & Youth Empowerment, and Tsunami Relief


Types of Opportunities Support


Average Duration of Projects 2 weeks


Volunteer Profile Summary


USA Freedom Corps Department of State Department of Commerce Department of Health and Human Services USAID