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Rural Telemedicine Grantees Learn, Share at Annual Conference

May 2004


SB 2505
Sen. Jeffords 

HB 1344
Rep. Nussles 

SB 700
Sen. Conrad 

HB 3420
Rep. Bilbray 

SB 980
Sen. Baucus

Fees SEC. 2

Eliminates fee
split requirement. The consulting  practitioner will
be paid an amount equal to that which would have been paid if the service had been provided with out a telecommunications system.

SEC. 501

HHS Secretary establishes a payment fee schedule for the referring and consulting physician.

The payment includes costs associated with consultation via telehealth technology. Beneficiary cost sharing in the form of a copayment, allowed not to exceed $15/visit.

Eliminates payment to the referring practitioner or telepresenter for teleconsultation and provides 100% of the payment for teleconsultation to the consulting practitioner. SEC. 2

HHS Secretary will establish a fee schedule for the referring and consulting physician. 

The payment will include costs associated with consultation via telecommunications systems.

No language.

Presenter SEC. 3

Eliminates the requirement for a tele-presenter.

SEC. 501

Expands “presenter” definition under telehomecare to include a registered nurse “acting under the directions of a physician or practitioner may present the patient” in a teleconsultation.

SEC. 101

Expands “presenter” definition to include: any health care practitioner that is acting on instructions from the referring physician or practitioner.

SEC. 2

Expands “presenter” definition under telehomecare to include a registered nurse “acting under the directions of a physician or practitioner may present the patient” in a teleconsultation.

SEC. 205 Expands “presenter” definition to include: any health care practitioner that is acting on instructions from the referring physician or practitioner.

Store and
SEC. 7

Proposes that a federal demonstration project for store and forward technologies be established in Hawaii and Alaska.

SEC. 501

Proposes that Medicare reimburse single or multimedia store-and-forward technology for:
-Medical diagnosis
-Medical treatment
-Medical education


Proposes that Medicare reimburse services that Medicare currently pays for even if these services are provided using telehealth technology.

Proposes that Medicare reimburse store and forward technology, even if patient, referring physician or health provider is not present.

SEC. 2

Proposes all services covered under Medicare be covered even if they are provided using telehealth technology

Proposes that Medicare reimburse telehealth consultations using store and forward technology.

SEC. 205 Proposes that Medicare reimburse services that Medicare currently pays for even if these services are provided using telehealth technology. Proposes that Medicare reimburse store and forward technology, even if patient, referring physician or health provider is not present.

Eligible area SEC. 4 

Expands geographic coverage.

Allows Medicare reimbursement for beneficiaries who reside in non-MSA areas and  urban and rural HPSAs.

Replaces HPSA definition of rural with "county not otherwise included in Metropolitan Statistical Area."

Expands telehomecare to include rural AND urban.

NA SEC. 2 

Allows for Medicare reimbursement for Telehealth services in all Rural Areas.

 Expands telehomcare to include rural and urban.


Telehealth Links

Universal Service for Rural Health Care Providers (Federal Communications Commission)

Distance Learning & Telemedicine Program (U.S. Department of Agriculture)

Innovation, Demand and Investment in Telehealth (Acrobat/pdf, U.S. Department of Commerce)

Technical Assistance Documents: A Guide to Getting Started in Telemedicine (HRSA grantee Web site)

American Telemedicine Association (not a U.S. Government Web site)

Telemedicine Information Exchange (not a U.S. Government Web site)