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2008 September 15 06:49:59 UTC

Historical USGS Moment Tensor Solutions

Historical Moment Tensor Solutions World Location

The most recent (20 or less) USGS Moment Tensor Solutions are shown.
Data from the Source Parameter Database.

                        E P I C E N T E R   |          MOMENT  |    P R I N C I P A L  A X E S       |N O D A L  P L A N E S | 
     DATE    TIME (UTC)   LAT      LONG  SRC|DEPTH     VAL  EX |     T            N            P     |     1           2     | %  SRC
  YR  MO DA HR MN SEC     deg      deg      |  km  Mw     Nm   |VAL  PL AZM  VAL  PL AZM  VAL  PL AZM|STK DP SLIP STK DP SLIP| DC
 1984 04 24 21:15:19.00  37.320 -121.698 PDE| 16.0 6.5 6.9  18 |6.67  1  97  0.40 87 196 -7.06  3   7|142 87 -178  52 88   -3| 89 GS              
 1989 10 18 00:04:15.24  37.036 -121.883 PDE|  8.0 6.8 2.3  19 |2.28 52 108  0.09 38 286 -2.36  1  17|139 56  138 255 57   43| 92 GS              
 1991 08 17 19:29:40.00  40.235 -124.348 PDE|  6.0 6.3 3.3  18 |3.39 56  40 -0.09 28 184 -3.30 17 283| 48 38  141 171 68   59| 95 GS              
 1992 04 25 18:06: 4.21  40.368 -124.316 PDE|  6.0 7.1 5.1  19 |5.41 56  62 -0.71 19 182 -4.70 28 282| 51 25  142 177 75   70| 74 GS              
 1992 04 26 07:41:39.73  40.415 -124.603 PDE|                  |      8  80                     1 170|215 83    5 124 85  173|    GS              
 1992 04 26 11:18:25.79  40.378 -124.575 PDE| 26.0 6.7 1.2  19 |1.07  8 267  0.33 82  98 -1.40  2 357| 42 84    4 312 86  174| 53 GS              

Latest USGS Fast Moment Tensor Solutions

Preliminary Earthquake Report
U.S. Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center
World Data Center for Seismology, Denver

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