Food Safety Education
FDA Center for Food
Safety and Applied Nutrition
September 2000* USDA Food Safety
and Inspection Service

Public Service Announcements

For National Food Safety Education MonthSM

RADIO PSA (10 Second Spot)

September is National Food Safety Education MonthSM. Across the country, food safety experts asking consumers to Be Smart. Keep Foods Apart -- Don't Cross-Contaminate to avoid transferring the germs that cause foodborne illness.

RADIO PSA (30 Second Spot)

September is National Food Safety Education MonthSM and food safety experts remind us about the importance of not transferring harmful bacteria -- that cause foodborne illness -- to food from other foods, cutting boards, utensils, etc. How do you keep your food safe? Always wash hands with hot, soapy water after handling raw meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, or fresh fruits and vegetables. Wash cutting boards, dishes, and utensils with hot, soapy water after they come in contact with raw meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, or fresh fruits and vegetables. Always remember to Be Smart. Keep Foods Apart -- Don't Cross-Contaminate.

RADIO PSA (60 Second Spot)

Why should you always wash hands, cutting boards, dishes, and utensils with hot, soapy water after they come in contact with raw meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, or fresh fruits and vegetables? Because that's the only way to get rid of harmful bacteria that could make you sick. September is National Food Safety Education MonthSM. Across the country, food safety experts are asking consumers to Be Smart. Keep Foods Apart -- Don't Cross-Contaminate to avoid transferring the germs that cause foodborne illness. Here are some helpful hints for avoiding cross-contamination: Keep raw meat, poultry, seafood, as well as eggs -- and the juices from raw foods -- away from other foods in your shopping cart, on kitchen counters, and in your refrigerator. Never place cooked food back on the same plate or cutting board that previously held raw food without washing the plate or cutting board between uses. Don't use sauce that was used to marinate raw meat, poultry, or seafood on cooked food unless you boil the sauce first. Always remember to Be Smart. Keep Foods Apart -- Don't Cross-Contaminate.

TM/SM International Food Safety Council

* Distributed August 2000 for use in September 2000 as part of the International Food Safety Council's National Food Safety Education Month.

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