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Women of NASA
QuestChat Archive

Date: October 21, 1999

Featuring: Tahani R. Amer
Aerospace Engineer
NASA Langley Research Center, Langley, VA

[ Oran/NASAChatHost - 1 - 08:11:37 ]
Thank you for registering for today's Women of NASA Chat with Tahani R. Amer from NASA Langley Research Center. This chat will begin at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time today. Be sure you have read Tahani's profile at http://quest.arc.nasa.gov/women/bios/tra.html to prepare your questions.

[ Oran/NASAChatHost - 3 - 08:12:17 ]
Once the chat begins, Tahani will answer your questions as quickly as she can. But please be patient. The chat room is currently in MODERATION, which means you will not see your messages until they are posted later. We will use moderation during the chat to help Tahani keep up with our questions.

[ Oran/NASAChatHost - 4 - 08:12:26 ]
During moderation, DON'T WORRY if you don't see your questions appear immediately. We will post new questions as Tahani answers those ahead of you.

[ Oran/NASAChatHost - 5 - 08:12:42 ]
At the conclusion of the chat, we ask that you take a few minutes to share your thoughts with us. Please visit our QuestChat Information Center at http://quest.arc.nasa.gov/qchats to respond to our online survey. We look forward to hearing from you!

[ Oran/NASAChatHost - 7 - 10:03:50 ]
Hello and welcome to today's Women of NASA QuestChat with Tahani R. Amer from NASA Langley Research Center! Tahani R. Amer develops instruments and sensors that help designers determine how to design new aircraft. Tahani has been developing a system to measure how a certain thin film covering transmits heat. The measurement is used to determine which types of protective coverings should be used on models being tested in wind tunnels.

[ Oran/NASAChatHost - 8 - 10:04:31 ]
And now, here is Tahani Amer to answer your questions.

[ Oran/NASAChatHost - 9 - 10:07:29 ]
Scott and others, Tahani is answering your first question as we speak. Obviously, you have asked a rather lengthy question. Please limit your questions to one at a time to help Tahani keep up with us. Thanks.

[ Oran/NASAChatHost - 12 - 10:10:40 ]
RE: [Scott-Mr.Merrick/UniversitySchoolofNashvilleLowerSchool] Sorry. I thought I was submitting questions pre-chat that might be tackled one at a time...
No problem, Scott!

[ Oran/NASAChatHost - 14 - 10:11:15 ]
Welcome back, Yaitza. Tahani will answer your first question as soon as she can. Thank you for joining us again.

[ Oran/NASAChatHost - 16 - 10:12:54 ]
RE: [Yaitza-Yaitza] Hi Oran, good to be back!

[ TahaniRAmer/LaRC - 19 - 10:18:22 ]
RE: [Scott-Mr.Merrick/UniversitySchoolofNashvilleLowerSchool] Hello. Here are a few early questions! Second graders Nathan and David ask what the materials are on the 1) outside of a rocket booster and the 2) skin of the space shuttle? Tom, another 2nd grader, says that it's kinda hard to believe that space never ends. Is that true? Ben wants to know if you know how many planets have now been discovered outside of our solar system? Bo is worried that computers and things are going to go berserk in the year 2000. Do you have any thoughts about that?
Hello Scott, About your question 1. Material of a rocket booster has to have capability to stand high temperature. There are different kinds material can be used, but I am not sure what kind is used for the rocket booster. I will find out for you and I will e-mail it if you like. Your second question, I am not sure what is the material of skin of space shuttle. Tom's question about space never ends, this is not my area of expertise, but At this point of time and my understanding of space that everything has defined parameters, size and shape, we just need to explore and fine these characteristic of space, but one day we will know that. Ben, if you go to NASA web page, you will find the latest discovery of plants. Bo, don't worry everybody works with computer is preparing for that and if everyone do there job right. Everything will be fun.

[ Scott - 20 - 10:20:12 ]
Thank you!

[ TahaniRAmer/LaRC - 23 - 10:25:02 ]
RE: [Yaitza-Yaitza] Hi Tahani! What is the film made of? how does it effect the heat you measure?
Yaitza, The instrument that we develop can measure any thin material, but our application was to measure paint thermal conductivity for paint used in Wind tunnel. second part of the question, the instrument has several specification that reduce the effect of any heat lost.

[ TahaniRAmer/LaRC - 24 - 10:28:31 ]
RE: [students] Does your family in Cairo or other friends think it is unusual for you to have such an exciting career and raise a family?
Student, My family is proud of me, but there are a lot of women like myself, have a career and a family. It is a lot of fun and it is very rewarding in all aspect.

[ TahaniRAmer/LaRC - 26 - 10:30:06 ]
RE: [David] What does your husband do for a living?
David, My husband is an engineer, too.

[ TahaniRAmer/LaRC - 28 - 10:34:10 ]
RE: [Scott] David is impressed with your English. He's wondering if you went to a special school to learn English. (Mr. Merrick is impressed with your calculus grade!)
Scott, I spent one [year] studying English full-time at William and Mary. My 13 year-old can correct and tell me the latest English words that are not in dictionary.

[ TahaniRAmer/LaRC - 32 - 10:37:07 ]
RE: [David] Do you have to work on Saturday or Sunday at NASA?
David, Sometime, I have to work weekends and third shift, but most of the time I will take some work home to finish.

[ TahaniRAmer/LaRC - 35 - 10:40:34 ]
RE: [Yaitza] When you are working on sensors with a new design/specs how do you come up with a standard measurement system?
Yaitza, What do you do for living? We have certain organization that its job to provide a standard measurement system to compare, too. We worked the them and our experimental design team.

[ TahaniRAmer/LaRC - 37 - 10:43:00 ]
RE: [Scott] Tahani, Cord is wondering when the next rocket launch is to be held, and Dan asks where he can find out how far the farthest rocket has traveled?
A lot of information can be found in NASA web page and will give you the launch date.

[ Oran/NASAChatHost - 38 - 10:43:54 ]
RE: [TahaniRAmer/LaRC] A lot of information can be found in NASA web page and will give you the launch date.
You can find the NASA home page at http://www.nasa.gov.

[ Oran/NASAChatHost - 39 - 10:45:05 ]
Everyone, thank you very much for your patience and consideration. Tahani is ready for more questions. We have about 15 minutes remaining in our chat today.

[ TahaniRAmer/LaRC - 40 - 10:45:30 ]
RE: [David] Would you like to go into space some day?
I like to own an airplane first, then go to space. I make my goals small, so that I can achieve them.

[ Oran/NASAChatHost - 42 - 10:50:45 ]
Everyone, be sure to stop by our QuestChat Information Center at http://quest.arc.nasa.gov/qchats to share your thoughts about today's chat with us.

[ TahaniRAmer/LaRC - 45 - 10:53:11 ]
RE: [Yaitza] I'm an ungrad student, I like to chat and learn about the different options I can have as an engineer. You are also an inspiration to me and others like me. What is that organization called?
For that work is NIST and our material group.

[ TahaniRAmer/LaRC - 48 - 11:00:31 ]
RE: [David] Do you think you may discover something important or invent something that may make you famous?
When I finish a major task with creative way, this to me is a discovery. I love hard and new jobs, I live on these thing. I already invented one thing , but being famous is not important to me. I like to be known for my quality of work and to be know[n] to my children's teacher as [being a] caring mother that values education and the teacher can count on me if they need anything, and they do. This is important for the future.

[ TahaniRAmer/LaRC - 53 - 11:05:17 ]
RE: [Yaitza] Have you done other interesting wind tunnel experiments?
A lot of them, We tested new airplane design, new wing, rockets, and many more.

[ TahaniRAmer/LaRC - 49 - 11:01:34 ]
RE: [Scott] We want to thank you for answering our questions!!!
You welcome!

[ TahaniRAmer/LaRC - 51 - 11:02:32 ]
RE: [Yaitza] Tahani, How about owning the plane that hitches a ride in the shuttle? :')
Great idea!

[ Oran/NASAChatHost - 52 - 11:04:41 ]
This concludes today's chat with Tahani Amer from NASA Langley Research Center. Our special thanks to Tahani for her thoughtful responses to our questions and for sharing her career expertise with us today. Thank you Tahani!

[ Oran/NASAChatHost - 54 - 11:05:34 ]
Be sure to share your thoughts about today's chat with us at http://quest.arc.nasa.gov/qchats.

[ TahaniRAmer/LaRC - 55 - 11:07:25 ]
RE: [Oran/NASAChatHost] This concludes today's chat with Tahani Amer from NASA Langley Research Center. Our special thanks to Tahani for her thoughtful responses to our questions and for sharing her career expertise with us today. Thank you Tahani!
This is fun. I hope everybody learn something new that can be used for the bright Future for all of us. Thanks

[ Oran/NASAChatHost - 56 - 11:07:30 ]
We hope you can join us for our next Women of NASA QuestChat with Dian Hardison from NASA Kennedy Space Center. Be sure to read Dian's profile at http://quest.arc.nasa.gov/women/bios/dh.html

[ Oran/NASAChatHost - 57 - 11:07:55 ]
Thank you to everyone for joining us today, and have a GREAT day!


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