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Federal-Aid Highway Program Funding for Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities and Programs

FY 1992 to 2007 (Millions of Dollars)
Year New
CMAQ* CMAQ % TE* TE % Safety/
Other STP* Other STP % All Other Funds* Other Funds %
1992 50 $22.9 $0 0.0% $13.1 57.2%         $6.4 27.9% $3.4 14.8%
1993 163 $33.7 $3.3 9.8% $23.8 70.9%         $2.3 6.9% $4.2 12.5%
1994 461 $112.6 $2.7 2.4% $96.9 86.1%         $7.0 6.2% $6.0 5.3%
1995 778 $178.6 $9.0 5.0% $150.7 84.4%         $13.6 7.6% $5.4 3.0%
1996 706 $197.2 $19.3 9.8% $153.9 78.1%         $15.4 7.8% $8.5 4.3%
1997 715 $238.8 $25.0 10.5% $179.2 75.0%         $14.0 5.9% $20.6 8.6%
1998 681 $216.5 $15.9 7.3% $151.5 70.0%         $16.1 7.4% $33.1 15.3%
1999 724 $204.2 $12.6 6.2% $153.9 75.4%         $20.0 9.8% $17.6 8.6%
2000 971 $296.7 $34.4 11.6% $217.5 73.3%         $19.4 6.6% $25.3 8.5%
2001 1081 $339.1 $44.3 13.1% $224.3 66.1%         $34.8 10.3% $35.8 10.5%
2002 1287 $415.9 $44.1 10.6% $270.9 65.1%         $36.7 9.2% $62.7 15.1%
2003 1237 $422.7 $34.4 8.1% $276.5 65.4%         $30.4 7.2% $80.6 19.1%
2004 ** 1226 $427.1 $44.9 10.5% $272.7 63.9% $2.4 0.57%     $46.1 11.6% $43.8 10.3%
2005 ** 1077 $399.9 $41.4 10.3% $240.7 60.2% $1.1 0.28%     $48.7 12.2% $53.3 13.3%
2006 1320 $394.9 $29.2 7.4% $232.6 58.9% $3.5 0.88%     $13.6 3.4% $99.5 25.2%
2007 1584 $564.0 $57.3 10.2% $287.2 51.0% $.9 0.16% $45.7 8.1% $43.4 7.7% $113.6 20.1%
Notes: Source: FHWA Fiscal Management Information System

* Abbreviations

CMAQ Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program
TE Transportation Enhancement Activities
Safety & HSIP STP Safety set-aside and Highway Safety Improvement Programs
SRTS & NMT Safe Routes to School and Nonmotorized Transportation Programs
Other STP Surface Transportation Program (STP except TE)
All other includes National Highway System, Bridge, Interstate Maintenance, Federal Lands, Recreational Trails Program, National Scenic Byways, Congressionally-earmarked funds, etc.

** Figures updated December 20, 2007

Table 2: FY 1999-2007 State-by-State Federal-Aid Highway Program Funding

Note: The following table presents State-reported spending (rounded to the nearest dollar) on pedestrian and bicycle facilities and programs during fiscal years 1999 to 2007. It is critical to note that not all States follow the same reporting procedures, so the table is not a complete representation of actual spending in States. For example, some States report only spending on independent bicycle and pedestrian projects or programs, but not on facilities that are constructed as part of a larger project. By comparison, some States report all aspects of bicycle and pedestrian-related spending, regardless of whether the facility is embedded in a larger project or is an independent project or program. Readers are strongly discouraged from using this table to draw comparisons between individual States' spending patterns without understanding how each State reports spending.

STATE 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 ** 2005 ** 2006 2007 1999-2007
Alabama $3,777,824 $5,774,970 $7,424,174 $8,625,480 $7,734,305 $12,260,643 $9,283,737 $5,295,335 $10,157,603 $65,270,521
Alaska $7,104,146 $10,607,384 $9,034,324 $15,927,789 $20,727,813 $11,250,386 $6,844,349 $6,166,648 $5,780,411 $92,726,134
Arizona $5,062,015 $3,685,592 $4,014,089 $1,859,433 $12,359,479 $14,767,968 $12,031,795 $13,942,507 $16,282,843 $77,179,956
Arkansas $2,566,771 $5,594,444 $14,298,799 $7,805,867 $8,844,060 $7,288,971 $1,844,755 $7,276,781 $1,069,271 $56,523,719
California $4,382,911 $31,725,549 $28,850,925 $37,580,525 $22,004,612 $50,023,938 $29,638,888 $31,228,483 $53,727,866 $282,876,335
Colorado $5,122,009 $2,454,282 $5,651,120 $3,804,446 $8,776,230 $5,400,340 $4,728,653 $7,882,169 $3,268,273 $47,087,523
Connecticut $2,143,563 $4,026,974 $470,507 $6,618,713 $2,472,000 $4,151,598 $4,510,831 $1,259,690 $6,497,096 $32,150,972
Delaware $2,837,015 $2,443,456 $2,071,445 $4,679,710 $3,805,740 $4,185,223 $2,496,607 $8,931,579 $4,246,938 $35,697,714
Dist of Columbia $0 $58,205 $0 $2,996,227 $298,300 $706,353 $2,764,684 $6,615,048 $3,841,831 $17,280,649
Florida $19,598,562 $13,678,871 $13,587,789 $46,039,402 $13,741,063 $11,556,536 $27,858,170 $25,973,927 $29,376,536 $193,798,976
Georgia $4,312,144 $11,486,822 $24,777,044 $13,722,644 $41,226,186 $8,154,208 $21,112,779 -$4,537,622 $27,144,962 $147,399,169
Hawaii $2,727,514 $1,044,307 $3,104,170 ($263,375) $13,709,873 $6,654,918 $10,824,191 $3,728,609 $229,285 $41,212,192
Idaho $1,539,075 $3,142,466 $5,321,705 $3,934,414 $1,747,815 $1,760,041 $1,804,006 $1,626,505 $2,406,983 $23,283,011
Illinois $5,758,903 $20,796,791 $8,562,043 $6,499,634 $12,081,926 $20,957,647 $8,387,070 $4,943,081 $10,121,198 $97,962,420
Indiana $6,458,432 $5,918,358 $11,536,518 $8,048,492 $11,146,342 $6,559,696 $3,730,351 $8,922,195 $12,501,851 $74,668,541
Iowa $2,795,091 $3,781,799 $4,062,897 $7,417,536 $8,116,054 $6,701,071 $13,693,972 $8,374,347 $14,849,674 $69,792,442
Kansas $882,242 $2,139,230 $3,257,916 $12,566,033 ($1,840,659) $1,221,619 $5,631,788 $4,776,254 $6,538,878 $35,173,301
Kentucky $5,868,671 $8,057,336 $7,356,774 $10,041,009 $11,599,914 $5,549,209 $13,148,729 $870,810 $30,081,793 $92,313,407
Louisiana $2,475,518 $5,758,141 $4,172,690 $7,758,167 $5,002,399 $6,019,209 $3,186,040 $3,907,328 $7,254,204 $45,533,697
Maine $1,343,510 $1,642,843 $814,727 $2,991,512 $908,136 $2,454,964 $1,597,452 $2,209,457 $2,652,365 $16,575,717
Maryland $7,196,640 $1,475,225 $5,687,465 $5,672,759 $6,327,681 $6,480,525 $5,577,640 $4,614,587 $1,765,726 $44,298,061
Massachusetts $12,171,988 $8,958,898 $19,864,883 ($9,733,685) $6,078,959 $7,306,103 ($3,138,991) $1,272,656 $15,696,401 $58,477,211
Michigan $7,020,344 $7,674,819 $8,402,701 $9,873,004 $6,726,615 $13,481,014 $15,017,972 $9,985,960 $22,149,128 $100,080,981
Minnesota $4,625,201 $18,328,165 $10,527,002 $9,021,549 $10,764,107 $11,674,198 $8,430,052 $16,694,038 $15,350,775 $105,255,087
Mississippi $3,930,738 $2,669,224 $196,537 $2,233,043 ($34,603) $3,739,790 $7,106,066 $11,286,312 $5,403,436 $36,530,543
Missouri $3,575,847 $6,162,184 $15,969,127 $21,631,170 $19,078,554 $13,329,394 $7,903,865 $9,660,942 $12,157,057 $108,312,711
Montana $3,508,765 $2,040,648 $3,291,874 $3,676,049 $2,031,125 $2,670,496 $2,231,947 $4,847,679 $5,838,490 $30,314,767
Nebraska $2,693,007 $3,234,437 $7,429,401 $5,039,793 $2,791,175 $15,580,526 ($6,499,354) $9,615,572 $1,110,347 $40,994,905
Nevada $1,503,874 $1,065,809 $1,024,376 $2,704,686 $2,116,072 $732,634 $2,310,428 $1,509,274 $2,712,508 $15,505,992
New Hampshire $1,607,189 $2,882,203 $2,251,085 $4,953,763 $3,166,836 $4,876,864 $4,914,035 $5,353,140 $6,095,999 $36,101,115
New Jersey $1,689,968 $5,182,932 $6,353,567 $3,464,458 $6,999,247 $7,800,468 $4,296,614 $2,489,691 $7,386,823 $45,663,769
New Mexico $1,538,956 $1,398,167 $4,124,146 $3,161,389 $902,353 $3,420,465 $4,400,001 $5,701,267 $6,497,227 $31,143,971
New York $2,248,026 $15,582,486 $12,781,205 $14,520,586 $28,915,186 $196,082 $16,175,803 $21,042,931 $24,995,339 $136,412,598
North Carolina $10,978,246 $4,793,565 $6,380,450 $8,243,782 $6,283,457 $11,223,542 $7,418,595 $10,130,234 $28,556,564 $93,824,355
North Dakota $1,691,162 $1,239,197 $1,267,526 $3,302,181 $1,847,805 $193,689 $2,394,624 $2,726,064 $1,696,606 $16,358,855
Ohio $15,579,528 $9,438,456 $6,248,270 $6,579,009 $14,210,014 $25,106,213 $11,236,042 $10,812,803 $14,565,787 $113,701,123
Oklahoma $1,799,062 $3,315,264 $6,284,127 $4,413,352 $11,133,825 $3,660,982 $12,965,998 -$445,282 $-$6,921,000 $50,048,329
Oregon $8,089,196 $3,133,129 $2,945,713 $4,936,874 $6,211,091 $6,045,701 $8,736,937 $2,514,519 $3,853,896 $46,467,058
Pennsylvania ($111,132) $5,676,869 $11,020,829 $9,829,430 $9,031,142 $19,998,609 $22,891,094 $28,041,885 $19,909,266 $126,212,993
Puerto Rico $680,000 $1,060 $0 ($783,345) $92,568 $0 $4,433,766 $405,682 $1,244,315 $6,074,046
Rhode Island $1,903,535 $2,560,033 $3,204,462 $8,876,309 $10,839,203 $9,602,143 $6,258,614 $7,703,040 $5,656,372 $56,599,711
South Carolina $1,376,605 $826,376 $1,261,796 $1,637,007 $2,922,301 $1,193,622 $1,472,666 $213,848 $3,354,943 $13,879,166
South Dakota $1,182,701 $189,601 $743,859 $622,138 $836,473 $442,520 $150,324 $2,184,162 $3,186,588 $9,538,368
Tennessee $4,525,860 $5,735,398 $3,703,840 $20,622,442 $12,174,637 $17,030,555 $13,706,782 $15,936,303 $18,488,404 $111,923,823
Texas $3,111,916 $13,876,224 $5,026,943 $23,367,678 $30,971,088 $16,191,200 $18,604,604 $20,241,366 $38,845,360 $169,887,501
Utah $1,775,767 $3,707,907 $1,753,711 $4,566,981 ($957,802) $1,573,972 $2,401,972 $5,486,720 $5,620,551 $25,929,778
Vermont $2,063,158 $4,648,273 $2,510,089 $6,212,542 $6,949,650 $2,324,179 $4,689,619 $3,959,772 $6,257,500 $39,593,783
Virginia $944,571 $4,330,397 $4,260,777 $9,045,542 $7,540,631 $7,450,765 $3,311,046 $857,673 $5,923,474 $43,664,876
Washington $2,297,614 $4,875,198 $10,841,897 $22,121,027 $9,245,607 $12,774,897 $13,298,121 $14,753,820 $22,808,097 $108,499,842
West Virginia $24,000 $42,521 $189,026 $1,228,657 $536,264 $986,665 $243,905 $6,860,290 $2,416,986 $12,324,314
Wisconsin $2,916,682 $6,127,839 $14,102,620 $11,037,610 $7,174,210 $10,850,253 $9,536,861 $6,754,852 $10,409,712 $78,817,104
Wyoming $3,058,819 $1,639,465 $1,121,889 $3,821,258 $2,378,054 $1,533,785 $2,361,184 $2,281,524 $2,901,768 $21,097,746
American Samoa $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Guam $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Northern Mariana Is $270,000 $67,409 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $337,409
Virgin Islands $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
USA TOTAL $204,223,745 $296,697,200 $339,140,846 $434,552,712 $439,745,133 $427,096,407 $399,957,694 $394,886,454 $563,964,307 $3,500,601,907

Source: FHWA Fiscal Management Information System

** Figures updated December 20, 2007

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