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FAQ: "Exploration of the Earth's Magnetosphere"

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Questions and answer--listed in the order received

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    Listed below are questions submitted by users of "The Exploration of the Earth's Magnetosphere" and the answers given to them. This is just a selection--of the many questions that arrive, only a few are listed. The ones included below are either of the sort that keeps coming up again and again--the danger of solar eruptions, the reversal of the Earth's magnetic field, etc.--or else the answers make a special point, going into extra details which might interest other users. Because this is a long list, it is divided into segments

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Items covered:

  1. Reversals of the Earth's field (4 queries)
  2. Can the Earth's field be used for spaceflight?
  3. The Sun's magnetic poles
  4. Synchronous satellites
  5. Magnetic field lines
  6. Alternate theory of the Sun and solar wind
  7. The Geiger counter (3 queries)
  8. Measuring the Earth's magnetic field
  9. The strength of the Earth's field
  10. Solar Eclipses
  11. Magnetometer for Observing Magnetic Storms
  12. Cosmic Rays

  13. Magnetic Shielding
  14. Use of solar wind for space propulsion
  15. A working model of the magnetosphere?
  16. The Van Allen Belt
  17. Magnets of different shapes
  18. On building an electromagnet
  19. Capturing the Energy of the Solar Wind
  20. About the Upcoming Solar Maximum
  21. Lining-up of Planets
  22. Radiation Hazards to Air Crews
  23. The Ozone Hole and the Magnetic Field
  24. How are Ions produced?
  25. About the "Starfish" artificial radiation belt
  26. How do Magnetic Reversals affect Animal Migrations?
  27. Which is the "True" North Magnetic Pole?
  28. Electric and Magnetic Energy
  29. Any connection between Solar Wind and Solar Flares?
  30. Ozone and the Magnetic Field
  31. What if the Radiation Belt Reached the Ground... ?

  32. Free Energy from the Earth's Magnetic Field?
  33. Relativity
  34. What is a "REM"?
  35. What exactly does "Radiation" Mean?
  36. Can anything solid be carried by the solar wind?
  37. Dimensions of the Magnetosphere (2 related questions)
  38. Skywriting by Aurora
  39. Capturing the energy of solar wind ions
  40. Radio Propagation
  41. Radiation Belts and Manned Space Flight
  42. Magnetc shielding against neutral matter?
  43. When and where can I see "Northern Lights"?
  44. Universal Time and Magnetic Local Time
  45. Does the magnetosphere affect weather?

  46. "Importance of auroras to society"
  47. Magnetic storms and headaches
  48. Appolo Astronauts and radiation
  49. What materials does a magnet pull?
  50. Experimental simulation of the polar aurora
  51. Cosmic ray research using balloons
  52. Magnetic health products
  53. Geiger counters for locating lost objects
  54. Magnetic effects from other planets
  55. Blocking of the Solar Wind by our Moon?
  56. Fry or Freeze... ?
  57. The Speed of the Solar Wind
  58. What is "Radiation"?
  59. How does one Contain a Plasma?
  60. Soviet Nuclear Explosions in Space
  61. Can Polar Aurora be seen in Atlanta, Georgia?

  62. Why no aurora at the magnetic poles?
  63. When and how were positive ions discovered?
  64. Did astronauts use articifial magnetic shields"?
  65. Harvesting electrons from power lines?
  66. How can the intensely hot Sun be magnetic?
  67. What are "geomagnetic conjugate points"?
  68. What is the smallest magnet possible?
  69. Can plasma physics explain ball lightning?
  70. Harnessing the Energy of the Aurora?
  71. Radiation Belt and Brazil
  72. Risks from stormy "Space Weather"
  73. Man-made triggering of radio emissions
  74. Does our magnetic field stop the atmosphere from getting blown away?
  75. Radius of particle gyration

  76. Are electric storms an "electromagnetic" phenomenon?
  77. How can steady magnetic fields induce electric currents?
  78. There are electromagnetic waves all around us!
  79. Best orbit for a Space Station
  80. Is space debris electrically charged?
  81. Magnetic induction by the Magnetosphere
  82. Questions about the Solar Corona:
                        (1) Why don't its particles separate by weight?
                        (2) What accelerates the solar wind?
  83. Why has the aurora been so frequent lately?
  84. Was the magnetosphere involved in the hole in the ozone layer?
  85. Who Discovered Sunspots?
  86. "Soda-Bottle Magnetometer"
  87. Magnetism and Weather
  88. Is the Polar Cusp visible to the Eye?
  89. Effects of Radiation beyond the Van Allen Belts
  90. Deflection of a beam of Electrons in the Earth's Field

  91. Space Tether
  92. Does the Earth's magnetic field rotate?
  93. Dynamo currents at Jupiter's moons
  94. A Russian space tether experiment?
  95. How come a magnetic field can block particle radiation but not light?
  96. What is a "magnetic moment"?
  97. Is fire a plasma?
  98. Do interplanetary field lines guide the solar wind back?
  99. Magnetic connections between planets and the Sun
  100. The solar wind and solar escape velocity
  101. Space tether to remove trapped radiation?
  102. Electromagnetic Waves and Electromagnetic Induction
  103. Solar wind effects on our lives
  104. Weaker global magnetic field--higher cosmic ray dosage?
  105. Sound waves on the Sun?
  106. Mapping the magnetosphere using a surface network?
  107. History of Cosmic ray Research
  108. What causes sunspots
  109. Why does Plasma Follow Field Lines?
  110. A solar wind contribution to global warming?
  111. Waves in the Magnetosphere
  112. What are "frozen" magnetic field lines?
  113. Why doesn't magnetism affect electro-magnetic waves?
  114. Eddy Currents
  115. What is the Radius of the Sun's magnetosphere?
  116. Project to show that Iron rusts faster in Fresh Water
  117. Fluorescent lightbulbs
  118. More about the Year 2012
  119. Can Space Plasma help Spacecraft Propulsion?
  120. When is Earth an Insulator and when a Conductor?
  121. Can upper atmosphere atoms join solar wind?

  122. "Radiation Remediation"?
  123. Who invented AC?
  124. Geiger Counters (1)
        (Followed by Geiger Counters (2)
  125. Fluorescent tubes lighting up near high voltage
  126. Earth's field--Magnetic or Electromagnetic?

If you have a relevant question of your own, you can send it to
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    122.   "Radiation Remediation"?

        I am an electrical engineer at Bechtel, soon to be Emerson, but not in your field (of course), my field is power systems/power distribution.

        This particular field dealing with radiation belts seems so interesting, both from a scientific viewpoint, a historic viewpoint, a military viewpoint, a health viewpoint, etc. To some degree I believe in the natural law, and always wonder if we go a little too far in our "tinkering" sometimes.

        Like for instance, did the US know that their bomb tests at the equator would actually be trapped in the atmosphere longer, and did this adversely affect human life in any way? I guess these are my real questions though.

        Do you have any specific concerns regarding the Radiation Remediation Program? Do you believe dispelling this high energy into our atmosphere will have much of an effect on weather and/or health, for the good or for the bad? My other question, with your scientific knowledge on this subject - is it at all possible to take any technical data gathered from this approach or other experiments that would have a possible application to cancer, reducing cancer, preventing cancer, treating cancer? Please advise.


        I never heard before about "Radiation remediation", which apparently refers to attempts to bring down particles trapped by the Earth's magnetism. I am not sure that is feasible (or if it is, whether the cost is justified). At the present time, it seems not to be.

        The long-term persistence of the belts caused by atomic tests was not expected--earlier tests only created short-lived belts, it was the shift in location which created the problem (the Soviets exploded bigger bombs, but in locations without long-term trapping). Anyway, it happened in 1962, and the test-ban the following year stopped all such experiments.

        I don't know what you mean by "natural law" Nature is not always benign, and if I could by some technology prevent tornadoes, or cause earthquake faults to slip slowly and gently instead of abruptly, I would be all in favor of doing so.

    123.   Who invented AC?

        Dear Dr. Stern,

        I am tired of people telling me that Tesla invented alternating current. I know it must have been known by 1833 when a handful of people were spinning magnets near electromagnets to invent dynamos and motors. Who deserves the credit?


        I am not a historian of technology but a retired space physicist. Your question is interesting, but you should also ask around and search books and web sites, to find much better authorities. What I can offer here are mostly my guesses, based on some quick searches.

        Nikola Tesla certainly did not invent AC--he was primarily the engineer who helped George Westinghouse create his AC network, while Charles Proteus Steinmetz seems to have had a similar role in General Electric. I come from central Europe and vaguely recall reading that Siemens introduced it in the mid-1800s, but it probably happened independently at several places at once (see below). Faraday could have pursued AC around 1833, or maybe Joseph Henry in later years, but the actual introduction was delayed by the simple reason that no one actually needed an electric network. There was no electric lighting, telegraphs worked off batteries, and machinery worked off steam engines--often with power distributed (e.g. in factories) by long shafts from which pulleys turned long leather belts to various machines.

        Another thing: the great advantage of AC was reducing power losses, by stepping up the voltage at the power station, transmitting it through wires and then stepping it down at the user end, the way we do now. However, early networks were in dense cities, where open-air high-voltage lines were not practical, which is why Edison could push his DC network for some time before the superiority of AC was generally accepted.

        Again, I do not know what caused the change--the motivation for the first long-distance electric power transmission--but I suspect those were electric trains, in particular, urban trolleys and subways. Here is a web site I found:
    and let me quote from it:
      "In1858, however, an unknown inventor discovered that the field magnets of a dynamo could be electrically energised by the rotation of its own armature. The next step forward in the development of electric traction was the invention, by Pacinotte, of the continuous current dynamo. This discovery was followed by the development of self-energising field magnets by three Englishmen - Wheatstone, Varley, and Ladd, by the German engineer Siemens, and also by the American inventor, Professor Farmer."

    Once urban trolleys spread, and electric lighting followed, the adoption of AC was almost automatic. Tesla's name was made popular by the press, and he was Westinghouse's point man
    but the real story of AC is one of developing a technology, by many engineers whose names are scarcely remembered.


    Dear David,
        Thank you for your reflections on AC.

        What Tesla did invent was poly-phase AC, which allowed almost as much power, at a given voltage, as DC (two-phase gives about .707 of peak).

        The first major application, after the Niagara Falls power plant, was the World's Columbian Exposition, at Chicago, in 1893. Westinghouse was able to underbid GE as their system needed much less copper

        Steinmetz brought AC to General Electric, which only peddled DC systems until they lost the fair contract. Steinmetz also came up with the theoretical and mathematical underpinnings of AC power systems and dynamos.

    124a.   Geiger Counters (1)

        I was looking at your website and I found it interesting and very useful for my studies. I was hoping that you can help me out. I have a few questions that I had in mind.
      1. What does quenching mean when applied to Geiger counters?
      2. Can a Geiger counter be used to determine the energy of the x-ray photons?
    Thank you    


        (1)    A Geiger counter (usual shape) contains a central wire at high voltage, and a passing particle starts an electric "breakdown," like a growing spark between the wire and the envelope. "Quenching" means stopping the process. You already know a particle had gone through and now want the counter (after a short "dead time") to be ready to detect more particles. Quenching is accomplished either by suitable chemicals in the gas (e.g. alcohol vapor) or electronically by quickly lowering the voltage until the discharge goes out.

        (2)    Yes, but only roughly. A Geiger counter can be triggered by electrons knocked out of molecules of the gas or the wall. The ability of substances to block X-rays (for a given thickness) depends mainly on their atomic weight--lead blocks higher energies than tin, which blocks higher ones than iron, which blocks higher ones than aluminum, etc. Testing the counter's response behind various shields approximately gives the energy, but only X-ray diffraction instruments measure it precisely.

    124b.   Geiger Counters (2)

        Thank you very much. It is very helpful towards my study. I also have another question relating to the counter.
      1. Why does the Geiger region/plateau should have a very low slope of less that 0.1% per volt?
      2. Why does the dead time correction is significant at a high count rate but not at a low count rate?


        Fifty years have passed since I studied Geiger counters, so my knowledge is rusty. As I recall, up to a certain voltage, the counter just collects ions produced locally by the incoming particle ("ionization counter"). At higher voltage those ions get multiplied by collisions near the central wire (where the electric force is strongest), in a way which depends very much on the voltage ("proportional counter"). Then suddenly, the "Geiger" regime begins, the pulses are big and do not depend on the ionization produced, because they multiply by collisions and involve the entire length of the counter. It depends very little on voltage. If you regard the counter as a capacitor, each discharge consumes a fraction of its charge, the voltage drops to where the discharge cannot be sustained, then it "refills" (with quenching preventing the discharge from restarting).

        Dead time is the time the counter is not sensitive to incoming particle, because its voltage has not recovered sufficiently. In 1958, fifty years ago, "Explorer 1" went into orbit with a counter for cosmic rays. Sometimes the rate of observed counts was reasonable, sometimes the rate was zero. We now know this happened because of the radiation belt--so many discharges occurred that the voltage was not allowed to recover. Read more in "Exploration of the Earth's Magnetosphere",
    in the talk "
    Recollections of Space Research" and also section #11.  

    125.   Fluorescent tubes lighting up near high voltage

        I am a recent college graduate and a future graduate student for MFA Photography. While working towards a certain art project I've stumbled upon your site and was wondering if you could answer a question for me. I recall having read about fluorescent tube lighting being able to light up under large power lines. I am not well versed in the area of electricity and I am currently trying to learn as much as possible. I realize some loss is possible but I'm not sure enough for the light. Any information you might have, or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


        I have heard about this too, and you can find more at

        Be aware these are time exposure and the glow is actually quite dim. I think the cause is the electric field near a high voltage line, which ideally goes like 1/r, where r is the distance from the line. Under quiet conditions, the dry atmosphere also has a voltage drop of the order of 100 volt/meter, powered by distant thunderstorms. Here a comparable drop is powered by the voltage on the cables.

        A hundred volts for a 4-foot tube sounds a lot--but there is hardly any energy behind it. Any time a conductor of electricity (like your body) steps into such an electric field, that field is quickly nullified, and only a tiny electric charge needs to flow (which is why measuring atmospheric electricity is difficult). It is a static field.

        To extract electric power from an electric field, you need a closed circuit, and in the atmosphere the only way it can flow is through air, which is an excellent insulator. Even a tiny current in a fluorescent tube, however, causes some light emission, which may make those photographs possible. In very dry weather, if you rub polyester cloth against an unconnected fluorescent tube, you might get some interesting flashes of light, too.

    126.   Earth's field--Magnetic or Electromagnetic?

    I was just wondering if you could quickly clarify a point of debate between a friend and I.

        He was using the term "earth's electromagnetic field" whereas I argued the earth had only a magnetic field. He argued that because of the deflection of ions an electric field was created, but my guess would be that there wouldn't be a appreciable charge separation across the globe to generate a consistent electric field.

        The second point he made able an electric field was that the magnetic pole deviated from the rotational axis of the planet, which I suppose would generate some low frequency electromagnetic radiation, but to what significance I really do not know.

        In any case, if you could please help resolve this--it would be much appreciated. Many thanks, and hopefully this didn't end up in your spam folder :)


        Physicists prefer to speak of an electromagnetic field, because by the theory of relativity, electric and magnetic fields are aspects of the same field, which may appear differently in different frames of reference. An electron at rest relative to you seems to create just an electric force. However, if you start moving, the electron is observed to be moving relatively to you, and a moving charge acts like an electric current, creating a magnetic field. What you observe depends on your motion. (And yes, there is much more!)

        In any case, the Earth DOES have electric fields associated with it, of several types. For instance, there is a fair-weather electric field in the atmosphere, due to distant thunderstorms. However, because air is a good insulator, far from such storms the electric charges maintaining it are quickly drained away by any electric conductor, and are only very slowly replenished. One such conductor is your own body--and you don't feel any effect, because very little charge is involved.

        There also exist radio waves, natural ones (like whistlers and auroral kilometric radiation) and artificial broadcasts. Such waves involve rapidly alternating electric and magnetic fields--see for instance

    And finally, there do exist electric fields in space, associated with any streaming of plasma through a magnetic field. For instance, how do ions and electrons of the solar wind flow radially away from the sun, and not get entangled in spiral motion around field lines of the interplanetary magnetic field? It takes only a little separation of positive and negative charges to produce an electric field E whose force will cancel the magnetic force v × B (v is the streaming velocity, B magnetic field, × is a "cross product", and of course, all these are vector quantities, with direction). This also results in a certain deformation of the magnetic field, as explained in


    The important thing is that if the stream has enough momentum, it drives its way through the magnetic field, "bending it to its will" so to speak, and the electric field is its tool for doing so.

        Your friend is also right in arguing that a rotating magnetic dipole will radiate radio waves. However, the power radiated increases steeply with frequency (I think like the 4th power). A frequency of one cycle per day is extremely low, and its radiation is negligible for all purposes.


        Thanks for the detailed explanation David. I understand that electric and magnetic fields are the same thing but from different frames of reference. However from a static observer on earth, the field that is a property of earth's core is considered magnetic, correct? My argument is really that the other fields generated as a result of collisions with solar wind and ionization by radiation aren't really properties of the earth, as the earth itself isn't generating them and they are dependent on an external source for their existence.

        The radio frequencies I accept are because the earth is generating them but I had supposed they were insignificant. Also atmospheric charge etc, but it's in constant flux & doesn't seem like some property of the earth collectively rather a localized effect.

        Aside from the synonymity between the two phenomena, it still seems strange to me to say "earth's electromagnetic field". To you, is this the preferred description of the property belonging to the earth, and not all the consequential phenomena?

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