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Caregiver Assistance with Resources, Education & Services

ALABAMA CARES is a program designed to support family caregivers by providing training, assistance and resources to help them take care of their aging loved ones and themselves.

 Families, not social service agencies, nursing homes or government programs, are the foundation of long-term care (LTC) for older persons in the United States. According to the most recent National Long Term Care Survey, more than seven million persons are informal caregivers – providing unpaid help to older persons who live in the community and have at least one limitation on their activities of daily living. These caregivers include spouses, adult children, and other relatives and friends.

 Caregivers play a vital role in helping seniors maintain their health and independence.  However, even though caregiving is rewarding, it can have a negative impact on the health and well being of the caregiver. Caregiving has its greatest impact on the emotional health of caregivers, particularly the caregivers of persons with dementia and stroke who are at the highest risk for depression and anxiety disorders.

  ALABAMA CARES will keep families together and will allow seniors to age at home instead of in costly long term care facilities.

Please See Our FAQ Page For Information About Alabama Cares


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Copyright ©2002 Alabama Department of Senior Services                                               
This Page Was Last Updated October 28, 2002