International Food Safety Council September 1999 *

National Food Safety Education MonthSM

Sample State Governor Proclamation

Food Safety Education Month LogoSM
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Nearly two dozen states have secured governor proclamations for National Food Safety Education Month in the past. This is an excellent way to generate local publicity -- a sample press release is provided in this Guide. Use this sample proclamation and the "Dear Governor" letter provided in this Guide to request a proclamation from your governor. It's best for several state and local organizations to partner when pursuing a proclamation - this generally produces the best result. Please send a copy of the proclamation to: International Food Safety Council, 250 S. Wacker Drive, Suite 1400, Chicago, IL 60606.
Whereas: on behalf of the citizens of (your state), I am pleased to join with the International Food Safety Council, the (state) restaurant association and the (state) health departments that protect citizens in this state from foodborne illness, in recognizing September 1999 as Food Safety Education Month in (state); and
Whereas: in recognition of the tireless efforts made by the dedicated women and men who are trained to prepare and handle food safely in the restaurants, supermarkets, school cafeterias, hospitals ~ everywhere food is prepared and served in this state.
Now, Therefore, I, [John Q. Public, Governor of the state of (your state)], does hereby proclaim September 1999:


The month-long observance is dedicated to focusing attention on the importance of safe food handling and preparation efforts now and throughout the year.

TM/SM International Food Safety Council
* Distributed August 1999 for use in September 1999 as part of the International Food Safety Council's
National Food Safety Education Month.

International Food Safety
 Council Logo National Food Safety Education MonthSM is sponsored by the International Food Safety Council, a restaurant and foodservice industry coalition committed to food safety education, formed by the National Restaurant Association's Educational Foundation. For more information about enrolling in the Council free of charge, call 800/456-0111.  
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