Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual




Effective Date:  8/1/08

Series:  Delegation

Part 212:  Policy, Management and Budget

Chapter 4:  Director, Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance


Originating Office:  Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance


212 DM 4


4.1     General.  The following authorities delegated to the Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget are further delegated through the Deputy Assistant Secretary - Policy and International Affairs to the Director, Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance.


          A.      Program and administrative authorities described in 212 DM 1, subject to the limitations in 200 DM 1.


          B.      Authority to sign notices for publication in the Federal Register of public meetings, the availability of environmental impact statements, the status of outstanding environmental documents, and proposed additions or changes to the Department’s procedures for implementing the National Environmental Policy Act.  The Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget retains signature authority for final decisions on controversial or precedent setting issues.


4.2     Adaptive Management.  The Director is delegated authority to oversee the Department’s compliance with, and implementation of, adaptive management policy.


4.3     Redelegation.  The authorities in 4.1 and 4.2 above may be redelegated.


8/1/08 #3810

Replaces 8/23/02 #3522