
Information Technology Laboratory's
NIST Special Publications

Listed are information technology publications and reports that are issued as Special Publications (Spec. Pub.). Special Publications series include the 500 series (Information Technology), the 800 series (Computer Security), and the 881 series (Federal Electronic Data Interchange [EDI] Conventions).

NIST Special Publications 500
Information Technology Series
January 1977 - Present

NIST Special Publications 800
Computer Security Series
April 1991 - Present

NIST Special Publications 881
Federal Electronic Data Interchange [EDI] Conventions Series
August 1995 - Present

NIST has been designated as the federal organization responsible for coordinating the development of Federal Implementation Conventions (ICs) for Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). Documents are published in the NIST Special Publication Series 881. For a list of documents currently available and ordering information, visit the EDI Web site.

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Date Created: 1999
Latest update: October 3, 2006