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Voluntary Protection Program
VPP Program


The Secretary of Energy (Admiral James D. Watkins), in a Secretarial Notice issued in December of 1992 directed the establishment of the Department of Energy (DOE) Voluntary Protection Program. In January 1994, a memorandum from the Secretary of Energy (Hazel R. O'Leary), implemented this initiative which strengthens safety and health programs for contractors, incorporating the philosophy of total quality management.

This initiative, the "Department of Energy Voluntary Protection Program" is patterned after the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's Voluntary Protection Program. It seeks to mitigate risk in the workplace by encouraging and recognizing those safety and health programs that demonstrate a level of excellence that can only be achieved through full involvement and commitment by contractor management and their employees.

Overview of The DOE-VPP


Benefits of VPP Participation

Facts vs. Fiction of VPP

Tenets of VPP

Frequently Asked Questions

Memorandum from the Secretary of Energy

  Last Updated: 05/22/2007 08:04 AM
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