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King County GIS Data is made available to the general public in two ways:

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Standard Data Disk

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A standard set of data, loaded conveniently onto one DVD, is issued four times per year (January, April, July, and October). The disk includes a large subset of the GIS vector data files that are stored and maintained in "plibrary," the enterprise data warehouse that is accessible to all internal KCGIS users. The disk also includes parcel data in tabular form.

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Custom Data Requests

How To Order button

Custom data requests are fulfilled by KCGIS Center Client Services staff. Your data request will be reviewed carefully, and a custom data set will be defined to best meet your needs. Several delivery options are available.

Pricing covers staff time, cost of blank media, and outside vendor expenses when applicable (for disk production). Agencies that have complementary data holdings may contact us regarding potential data sharing agreements.

For more  information contact Cheryl Wilder at
206-263-5220 (e-mail: "mailto:" e-mail button)

King County Department of Assessments offers downloadable database file extracts. If you have a slow connection or need the hard media, you may contact them directly at (206) 296-7300.

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Revised August 18, 2008


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