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Office of Civil Rights


Complaint Resolution

We investigate and resolve complaints alleging discrimination which violates the King County Public Accommodations Ordinance, King County Code, Title 12, Chapter 22 (scroll to page 59).

The King County Public Accommodations Ordinance prohibits discrimination by persons and/or places that provide goods or services to the general public because of a customer's protected class.

race parental status
color marital status
religion sexual orientation (includes gender identity)
national origin ancestry
gender age
disability use of a service or assistive animal

King County government agencies and businesses, services and organizations located in unincorporated King County are responsible
for providing non-discriminatory services to customers and clients, including hotels, restaurants, bars, banks, theaters and concert halls, taxis and private bus lines, retail stores, barbar shops and beauty salons, doctor and dentist offices, fitness center and sports arenas, and non-profit organizations are responsible for providing non-discriminatory services to clients.

Note: This ordinance permits imposing age limits up to 21, and offering discounts, special prices, or other special arrangements to children, families, people with disabilities, or senior citizens.

Unfair Actions

Treating customers differently because of protected class; harassment based on sex or other protected class; failing to provide reasonable accommodation for disabled customers; etc.

Time Limits

Persons who believe that they have experienced discrimination in a place of public accommodations have 180 days to file a complaint with the Office of Civil RIghts.

Education and Outreach

We can provide information about the public accommodations ordinance.

Contact Us

If you desire additional information about the Public Accommodations Ordinance or if you believe you have experienced discrimination, please contact us at 206-296-7592 or 206-296-7596 TTY or by e-mail at

Public Accommodations  |  Comments  |  How Do I File a Discrimination Complaint with OCR?

Updated: Aug 8, 2008

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