ITU-R Working Party 8B Radar Correspondence Group


Meetings were held at Mainz, Germany
13-15 November 2006, ITU-R JRG 1A-1C-8B
16-17 November 2006, ITU-R WP8B
RCG Home

JRG 1A-1C-8B web site

Contributions 2006
Contributions 2005
Contributions 2003

RCG-24: Terms of Reference — Draft
WP 7C Contribution Call

E-mail Listserver


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RCG Overview

Many topics concerning radiolocation systems ('radars') in the ITU-Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R) are so technically complex, and may require such detailed discussion among experts from many Administrations, that there is not enough time in regular meetings of the responsible body, Working Party 8B (WP 8B), to adequately explore the issues at hand in any given year or study period. The ITU-R WP 8B Radar Correspondence Group (RCG) exists for the purpose of allowing discussions, presenting views, and considering proposals among members of the ITU-R radar community outside the meetings of WP 8B. The RCG provides Administrations with a means to make forward progress on pertinent, technical radar issues outside the regular meetings of WP 8B.

As such, the RCG does not physically meet, but rather conducts its business year-round via the RCG listserver and this web site. Allowed RCG topics of discussion are defined in the RCG Terms of Reference. An ITU group that works in a related area, on topics related to the radar emission mask limits of ITU-R Recommendation SM.1541, is the Joint Rapporteurs Group (JRG) 1A-1C-8B. (Unlike the RCG, the JRG does physically meet about once a year.)

Contributions to the RCG from the Administrations of its members are posted on this web site and are circulated to RCG membership via the RCG listserver. For instructions on joining the RCG listserver, using the RCG listserver, or posting new Contributions to the RCG web site, click here.