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GLOBE 1.0 Elevation Extraction Subroutines [FORTRAN]

This web site contains Fortran source code to test extraction of the GLOBE Version 1.0 Elevation data base. It is written in Fortran and modifications for your installation will be required. PCs and unix handle binary data differently, and therefore a few lines of code need to be changed depending upon the operating system.

It is assumed that the GLOBE Version 1.0 data base has been placed on your computer system.

Since PCs & unix use different directory separators (e.g. / vs \), you must be aware of that difference also.

A version has not been supplied for Mac systems. The user is responsible for any modifications required for Mac systems.

These routines have been developed for GLOBE Version 1.0. This was a significant change from GLOBE Version 0.5.

You can obtain the GLOBE 1.0 data from the NOAA GLOBE web site. This site will allow you to download the Globe data free or you can order CDs containing the data.

GLOBE 2.0 is here but not officially released.

Note: I have recently (Feb 2002) observed problems in getting the data from the NGDC web site. See GLOBE download problems.

The data exists as 16 tiles and must be gunziped to be used. The unzipped 16 files will require about 2 GBytes [2000 MBytes] of disk storage.

In addition to the 16 files (tiles) that contain the elevation data, the file globe.dat contains the names of the 16 tile files and should reside in the same directory as the GLOBE data files. This file is required by the Globe extraction subroutines.

See readme.txt for a complete description of assembling the source code.

FORTRAN source code:
  • globe.f - main program to test the GLOBE extraction subroutines.
  • get_GLOBE_pfl.f - subroutine to extract a path profile from the GLOBE data base.
  • subsunix.f - GLOBE 1.0 extraction subroutines for unix systems.
    • See the COMMENTs in readme.txt for the required modifications.
  • subspc.f - GLOBE 1.0 extraction subroutines for PC systems.
    • See the COMMENTs in readme.txt for the required modifications.

Contact: Chris Behm, Email: cbehm@its.bldrdoc.gov, 303-497-3640

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