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Individuals that have died in the service of our Nation while associated with NOAA and its ancestor organizations during the years 1846 through 1936.

Illustration of the wreck of the Peter G. Washington, 1846.
Coast Survey Brig PETER G. WASHINGTON. Hurricane of September 8, 1846.
Lt. Commanding George M. Bache and 10 others killed in this storm.
WASHINGTON was conducting Gulf Stream studies. Harper's New Monthly Mag. Vol-Vlll. p.512

September 8, 1846 - Lost and drowned off the Coast Survey Brig WASHINGTON in a hurricane off the North Carolina coast:

George M. Bache, Lieutenant Commanding,
James Dorsey, quartermaster
Benjamin Dolloff, quartermaster
John Fishbourne, quartermaster
Henry Schroeder, sailmaker's mate
Francis Butler, seaman
Lewis Maynard, seaman
Thomas Stamford, seaman
William Wright, seaman
Peter Hanson, ordinary seaman
Edward Grennin, ordinary seaman.

May 21, 1849 - Lost by drowning after a boat capsized in Mobile Bay:

Silas Holmes, Passed Assistant Surgeon


December 13, 1849
- Lost by disease on the Texas Coast:

Robert H. Fauntleroy, Assistant U. S. Coast Survey

October 17, 1851
- Lost by drowning while conducting surveys on the Columbia River:

Joseph Ruth, Sub-assistant U. S. Coast Survey

- Lost by disease

J. B. Gluck, Assistant U. S. Coast Survey


- Lost by boiler explosion on Steamboat REINDEER while transiting between assignments:

Woods Baker, Sub-assistant United States Coast Survey

- Lost by disease:

Benjamin F. West, Sub-Assistant U. S. Coast Survey

Daniel L. Bryan, M.D., Passed Assistant Surgeon U.S. Navy, Coast Survey Schooner MORRIS, died heroically while voluntarily attending sick during Gulf Coast epidemic at Pensacola

Washington H. Nones, Second Assistant Engineer U. S. Coast Survey Steamer R. J. WALKER, died during Gulf Coast epidemic

George E. Shock, Third Assistant Engineer U. S. Coast Survey Steamer R. J. WALKER, died during Gulf Coast epidemic

June 1, 1854
- Lost by disease on Florida coast:

Unnamed crewman on U. S. Coast Survey Steamer CORWIN 

August 24, 1854
- Lost by boiler explosion on the U. S. Coast Survey Steamer HETZEL in lower Chesapeake Bay:

Samuel C. Latimer, Third Assistant Engineer

William Bulger, first-class fireman

Bernard Moran, seaman

William Gardner, first-class fireman

John T. Knight, second-class fireman

Michael Scanlan, ordinary seaman


- Lost by accident on U. S. Coast Survey Brig FAUNTLEROY in San Francisco Bay:

Unnamed seaman


August 20, 1856
- Lost by drowning in the Kennebec River:

Mr. Humphries, Aid

December 14, 1856
- Lost by disease at Key West, Florida:

S. J. Hough, aid of topographic party headed by C. T. Iardella

June 23, 1858
- Died as result of accident near Norfolk, Virginia, with accompanying complications:

J. J. S. Hassler, Assistant U. S. Coast Survey


May 25, 1860
- Died as result of disease in San Francisco:

E. H. Fauntleroy, Aid U. S. Coast Survey in the party of George Davidson


June 21, 1860 - Loss by collision at sea and subsequent sinking of the U. S. Coast Survey Steamer ROBERT J. WALKER off Absecom Inlet, New Jersey:


Henry H. Reed Captain of the Forecastle

Timothy Conner Quarter Gunner

Jeremiah Coffey Cooper

Joseph M. Brown Quartermaster

Michael M. Lee Ship's Cook

Marquis Bonevento Officers' Steward

James Patterson Officers' Cook

Michael Allman Seaman

John Driscoll Seaman

Robert Wilson Seaman

Cornelius Crowe Ordinary Seaman

Charles Miller Ordinary Seaman

George M. Johnston Landsman

Samuel Sizer First Class Fireman

Peter Conway First Class Fireman

Daniel Smith First Class Fireman

John Farron Second Class Fireman

James Farron Second Class Fireman

Joseph Bates Second Class Fireman

George Price Second Class Fireman


June 29, 1860 - Lost overboard and presumed drowned from Coast Survey Steamer BIBB on way to Cape Breton Island, Canada:

John McCalmut, seaman


May 20, 1867
- Lost by drowning after boat capsized on Tillamook Bar, Oregon coast:

Julius Kincheloe, Sub-assistant U. S. Coast Survey

Charles West

Elias N. Steelcup

Beveriah Steelcup

Samuel Lanagan

Henry Ballou

May 28, 1867 - Lost by drowning after small boat from Surveying
Schooner M. L. STEVENS swamped in San Luis Channel and then drifted
into the breakers at the edge of the channel.

Seaman James Goffin
Seaman John Rigin

February 26, 1871 - Lost by drowning after small vessel capsized in squall while returning to Surveying Schooner SILLIMAN while returning to ship from Sunday church services.

Aid Arthur F. Pearl
Aid George W. Bissell
Unnamed seaman
Unnamed seaman
Unnamed seaman
Unnamed seaman

August 17, 1894
- Lost by drowning after boat capsized coming through surf on Washington coast. Party off of C&GS Ship MCARTHUR:

Lieutenant Crosby
John Freyer, Quartermaster 3rd Class
William Nehm, Seaman
Alexander Smith, Seaman
Jens Gudmundsen, Seaman

November 11,1902
- Lost by disease in the Philippines:

William E. Gordon, Aid in the U. S. Coast Survey


1904 - Died of unspecified causes while surveying U. S. Canada boundary west of Rocky Mountains.

John Nelson

July 12, 1905
- Lost by drowning off the coast of Alaska as the result of capsizing of ship's whaleboat

P. H. Coning, Chief writer of Coast and Geodetic Survey Steamer GEDNEY


1906 - Lost by drowning as result of whaleboat overturning in surf at the mouth of the Suribao River, near Borongan on east coast of Samar

Unnamed Filipino seaman

May 30, 1908
- Lost overboard and drowned off Coast and Geodetic Survey Steamer GEDNEY

Quartermaster Gunderson

- Lost as result of fall from cliff conducting survey operations off of Coast and Geodetic Survey Steamer EXPLORER

Unnamed seaman

April 20, 1909
- Lost by drowning while attempting to reach small boat anchored off Sigayan Point, Illana Bay, south coast of Mindanao, Philippines. Off of Coast and Geodetic Survey Ship MARINDUQUE

P. E. Angell, mate


1909 - Lost as result of accident at Tucson Geophysical Observatory

Mr. Keeling, observer


October 16, 1909 - Lost as result of disease at Catbalogan, Samar, Philippines.

Thorstein Fretheim, observer


1910 - Lost by drowning as result of upsetting of a small boat under sail in Cordova Bay, Alaska. Part of crew of Coast and Geodetic Survey Steamer TAKU.

H. Fitch, seaman


1912 - Lost as result of fall from tree while conducting triangulation operations on the Olympic Peninsula, Washington.

Henry Truedell, Aid U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey


1913 - Lost by probable murder by Tagbanuas tribesmen on Culion Island, Calamianes Islands, Palawan Province, Philippine Islands. Part of crew off of Coast and Geodetic Survey Ship ROMBLON.

Unnamed seaman

November 1915
- Lost by drowning from the Steamer BACHE while the
vessel was anchored off Charleston, South Carolina.

Alfred Johnson, Mess Attendant
Leroy Scott, Mess Attendant


November 1916 - Lost by probable drowning off of Coast and Geodetic Survey Steamer YUKON at Kings Cove, Alaska Peninsula.

F. A. Paul, watchman

November 19, 1918
- Lost by drowning off of Coast and Geodetic Survey Steamer HYDROGRAPHER.

Anselmo De Silva


October 4, 1927
- Heroically lost by drowning while attempting to save the lives of two shipmates. Posthumously received Department of Commerce Gold Life-saving Medal. Off of Coast and Geodetic Survey Ship SURVEYOR, at Resurrection Bay, Seward, Alaska.

W. H. Bowen, seaman

October 4, 1927
- Lost by drowning off Coast and Geodetic Survey Ship SURVEYOR at Resurrection Bay, Seward, Alaska.

Roy V. Beverly

George Slavin

October 11, 1928
- Lost by drowning after falling overboard off of Coast and Geodetic Survey Ship PIONEER during survey of Heceta Bank, Oregon coast.

Earl Forsberg, seaman

October 17, 1928
- Lost by drowning as the result of foundering of a skiff in a sudden squall. Men were part of signal-building crew off the Coast and Geodetic Survey Ship FATHOMER working on the west coast of Palawan, Philippine Islands.

Crispin Alandruque, seaman

Gonsalo Senitara, seaman

Domingo Rangasajo, seaman

December 9, 1933
- Lost as result of vehicle accident between a Coast and Geodetic Survey truck and a Virginia State Highway truck near Harrisonburg, Virginia. This was the first traffic fatality involving a Coast and Geodetic Survey employee while on duty.

T. J. Hayden, geodetic field party member

April 21, 1935
- Lost as result of vehicle accident while engaged in flight checking Reno aeronautical chart near Reno, Nevada.

Henry C. Olsen, aeronautical chart division


January 1936
- Lost as result of shipboard accident on the Coast and Geodetic Survey Ship SURVEYOR.

John Martin, cook

September 26, 1936
- Lost by drowning as result boat overturning on the north shore of Unalaska Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska. Shore party off of Coast and Geodetic Survey Ship SURVEYOR.

Lt. (j.g.) Marshall R. Reese, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey

Max McLees, quartermaster

October 1936
- Lost as result of falling from cliff on Unimak Island conducting survey operations off of Coast and Geodetic Survey Ship SURVEYOR.

Robert F. Stryker, seaman

Publication of the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), NOAA Central Library.
Last Updated: June 8, 2006 9:27 AM

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