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Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez
Carlos M. Gutierrez

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Tuesday, February 13, 2007
(202) 482-4883

Commerce Secretary Lauds Record Exports in 2006

New Delhi, India - With today’s release of the 2006 annual trade numbers, U.S. Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez issued the following statement praising American companies and workers for making 2006 a record year in exports, and encouraged Congress to support the President's trade agenda.

“In 2006, American workers and businesses had a banner export year with an all time record high of over $1.4 trillion in exports of goods and services. For the first time in nearly a decade, the growth rate of exports outpaced the growth rate of imports.

“Our booming export numbers show the competitiveness of American workers and companies. Our companies send more U.S. products to more international markets than ever. Here in India, for example, we have seen American exports growing rapidly, up 26 percent last year with growth in a range of industries from medical devices to energy. Our nation’s prosperity is dependent on engaging and winning in international markets.

“Today’s numbers show significant export growth to almost all of America’s key trading partners, with American exports rising to 29 out of 30 of our largest trading partners, including export growth of more than 20 percent to countries diverse as Germany (21%), Brazil (25%), China (32%), and Chile (30%).

"While these record numbers show tremendous progress, we still need to do more to grow our exports, open new markets, promote U.S. exports and support the President's trade agenda.

"The President’s trade agenda, including successful conclusion of the Doha Round and passage of Free Trade Agreements with Peru, Colombia and Panama, will open markets for American products and enhance our nation’s prosperity. This makes extension of the President’s Trade Promotion Authority all the more essential as we move forward.”

Secretary Gutierrez is in India for discussions with government officials to explore opportunities to further invigorate commercial relations between the U.S. and India through the mechanisms provided by the U.S.-India Commercial Dialogue, the High Technology Cooperation Group, and the CEO Forum.

U.S. 2006 Exports Fact Sheet



  US Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20230
Last Updated: October 18, 2007 10:29 AM

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