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Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

Laboratory Information:

Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Forrestal Campus, Route 1
P.O. Box 451
Princeton, NJ 08543
Phone: 609-243-3009
Fax: 609-243-2418
Technology Transfer Website:
Agency/Department: Dept. of Energy
Region: Northeast

FLC Laboratory Representative:

Mr. Lewis Meixler
Phone: 609-243-3009
Fax: 609-243-2418

Background/History of the Laboratory:

Princeton University's Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL), which is funded by the US Department of Energy (DoE), has the primary mission to develop the basis for toroidal magnetic fusion energy. In support of PPPL's mission, an experienced staff of physicists and engineers conduct R&D in many scientific and technical areas. This work has led to advances in numerous physics, engineering and technological disciplines with potential for commercial and industrial applications.

Mission of the Laboratory:

The DOE Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory is a Collaborative National Center for plasma and fusion science. Its primary mission is to develop the scientific understanding and the key innovations, which will lead to an attractive new energy source. Associated missions include conducting world-leading research along the broad frontier of plasma science and technology, and providing the highest quality of scientific education.

Technology Transfer Mechanisms:

  • Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs)
  • Patents and Licensing
  • Consulting Agreements
  • Contracting Agreements
  • Patents and Software Licensing
  • Scientific User Facilities
  • Technical Personnel Exchanges
  • Technical Documents and Software
  • Technology Maturation Projects

Technology Areas of Expertise:

  • Laser Polarimeters
  • Magnetic Nozzle Development for Plasma Thrusters
  • Nuclear Detectors
  • Plasma Arc Technology
  • Plasma Display Device Technology
  • Plasma Sterilization
  • Plasma Thruster Development for Space Applications
  • Semiconductor Fabrication Using Plasmas