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U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases

Laboratory Information:

U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases
1425 Porter Street
Frederick, MD 21702-5011
Phone: 301-619-2767
Fax: 301-619-5118
Technology Transfer Website:
Agency/Department: Dept. of Defense - Army
Region: Mid-Atlantic

FLC Laboratory Representative:

Dr. Mark Dertzbaugh
Phone: 301-619-2767
Fax: 301-619-5118

Background/History of the Laboratory:

USAMRIID, (Fort Detrick, Maryland) conducts basic and applied research on biological threats resulting in medical solutions to protect military service members. USAMRIID, an organization of the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command, is the lead medical research Laboratory for the U.S. Biological Defense Research Program. The Institute plays a key role as the only Laboratory in the Department of Defense (DoD) equipped to safely study highly hazardous infectious agents requiring maximum containment at biosafety level (BSL)-4. As the center of excellence for DoD medical biological defense research, USAMRIID's challenge is to maintain its world-class scientific and technology base while being responsive to its primary customer the warfighter.

Mission of the Laboratory:

To conduct basic and applied research on biological threats resulting in medical solutions to protect the warfighter.

Technology Transfer Mechanisms:

  • Cooperative Agreements
  • Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs)
  • Material Transfer Agreements
  • Patent Licensing
  • Technical Meetings
  • Information Dissemination/Collegial Interchange

Technology Areas of Expertise:

  • Antiviral drug protocols
  • Applied medical research
  • Biodefense
  • Biological threat research
  • Biosafety
  • Containment
  • Diagnosis and treatment
  • Disease identification
  • Hazardous infectious agents
  • Management of biological casualties
  • Outbreak assessment and control
  • Vaccines
  • Virus analysis