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Goddard Space Flight Center

Laboratory Information:

Goddard Space Flight Center
Mail Stop 713
Greenbelt, MD 20771
Phone: 301-286-5810
Fax: 301-286-0301
Technology Transfer Website:
Agency/Department: NASA
Region: Mid-Atlantic

FLC Laboratory Representative:

Ms. Nona Cheeks
Phone: 301-286-5810
Fax: 301-286-0301

Background/History of the Laboratory:

Research is conducted on space/earth science applications. Atmospheric science activities are directed toward the use of space technology in advancing the understanding of the atmosphere, earth, and planets; applying that knowledge to the solution of societal problems in the areas of weather, climate, and environmental quality. An oceanic processes program involves the study of physical oceanography, ocean circulation, air-sea interaction, coastal oceanography, marine resources/ocean color, and cryospheric processes; all of which affect such areas as ocean-going shipping, coastal population centers, fisheries, weather, and climate. Field, laboratory, and theoretical investigations are conducted using data acquired from sensors aboard satellites and aircraft. This research focuses on: hydrology, agriculture, land use and forestry, and fundamental studies of radiative transfer of natural and man-made land cover through the atmosphere. Goals of geology/geophysics activities are to develop: knowledge about the models and mechanisms of crustal motion and earthquake mechanisms; models of seismically active fault regions related earth motions; improved models of global gravity and geomagnetic fields; methods for the use of remote sensing for geobotanical exploration for minerals and petroleum deposits.

Mission of the Laboratory:

The mission of the Goddard Space Flight Center is to expand knowledge of the Earth and its environment, the solar system and the universe through observations from space. To assure that our nation maintains leadership in this endeavor, we are committed to excellence in scientific investigation, in the development and operation of space systems and in the advancement of essential technologies. In pursuit of this challenge, the Center will:

  • Conduct a preeminent program of research in the space and Earth science disciplines using measurements from space complemented by suborbital, ground-based and laboratory measurements and by theoretical investigations;
  • Develop and operate a broad spectrum of flight missions that are responsive to the needs of the science community;
  • Provide and operate spaceflight tracking and data acquisition networks;
  • Develop innovative technology and instruments critical to the success of our mission;
  • Develop and maintain advanced information systems for the display, analysis, archiving and distribution of space and Earth science data;
  • Develop National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) satellite systems that provide environmental data for forecasting and research.

Technology Transfer Mechanisms:

  • Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs)
  • Facility Sharing
  • Patents and Licensing
  • Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR)
  • Partnerships

Technology Areas of Expertise:

  • Aerospace/Aeronautics
  • Computer Software
  • Data Processing and Analysis
  • Electromechanical Devices
  • Electronics
  • Manufacturing Equipment
  • Mechanical Technologies
  • Photonics
  • Sensor and Detector Technologies
  • Subassemblies and Components
  • Telecommunications and Internet