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Naval Surface Warfare Center - Carderock Division

Laboratory Information:

Naval Surface Warfare Center - Carderock Division
9500 MacArthur Blvd.
Building 1, Room 214
Code 0022
West Bethesda, MD 20817-5700
Phone: 301-227-4299
Fax: 301-227-2138
Technology Transfer Website:
Agency/Department: Dept. of Defense - Navy
Region: Mid-Atlantic

FLC Laboratory Representative:

Dr. Joseph Teter
Phone: 301-227-4299
Fax: 301-227-2138

Background/History of the Laboratory:

The Carderock Division consists of approximately 3,800 scientists, engineers and support personnel working in more than 40 disciplines ranging from fundamental science to applied/in-service engineering. We are the Navy's experts for maritime technology. Headquartered in West Bethesda, Maryland, the Division houses world-class facilities and laboratories. A major operating site in Philadelphia is recognized as the center for naval machinery. The Division also conducts research and development at several remote sites across the country. As a major component of the Naval Sea Systems Command the Carderock Division provides cradle-to-grave support for its technical products over an enormous range of scientific areas related to surface and undersea platforms. The Division addresses the full spectrum of applied maritime science and technology, from the theoretical and conceptual beginnings, through design and acquisition, to implementation and follow-on engineering. This includes all technical aspects of improving the performance of ships, submarines, military water craft, and unmanned vehicles, as well as research for military logistics systems. In addition, the Division is uniquely chartered by Congress to support America's maritime industry.

Mission of the Laboratory:

The mission of the Carderock Division is to provide: research, development, test and evaluation, fleet support, and in-service engineering for surface and undersea vehicle hull, mechanical, and electrical (HM&E) systems and propulsors; logistics research and development; and support to the Maritime Administration and maritime industry.

Technology Transfer Mechanisms:

  • Broad Agency Announcement (BAA)
  • Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs)
  • Facility Sharing
  • Integrated Product and Process Development or Integrated Product Teams (IPPD or IPT)
  • Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA)
  • Memorandum of Understanding or Agreement (MOU or MOA)
  • Patent Licence Agreements
  • Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR)
  • Technical Assistance
  • Technology Transfer Training
  • Work For Private Party Agreements

Technology Areas of Expertise:

  • Hull Forms and Propulsors
  • Hydroacoustics of hull, turbomachinery, propulsor and flow control devices
  • Infrared scale modeling and scaling
  • Infrared signature measurement & diagnostic technologies; data acquisition, processing and imaging systems
  • Life Cycle Management, Configuration Management, Integrated Logistics Support
  • Active and passive acoustic signature measurement and diagnostic technologies
  • Automated ship fabrication and repair technologies
  • Certify/Validate safety and effectiveness of Ship Structures and Materials, and Weapon Materials.
  • Conduct hydrodynamics research, development, testing, and evaluation.
  • Conduct R&D in fluid dynamics and experimental techniques related to naval vehicles.
  • Data acquisition, processing, and imaging systems
  • Design and Integration Technology
  • Develop and validate procedures for the safe and effective design, development, and use of Ship Structures and Materials, and Weapons Materials.
  • Develop and validate procedures for the safe and effective design, development, validation, certification, storage and use of Vulnerability and Survivability systems and weapons.
  • Develop high efficiency, low-noise and affordable integrated hull propulsor designs for ships, submarines, and other vehicles that meet or exceed combat/weapon/sensor system interface requirements.
  • Develop Submerged Operating Envelopes and validate automatic maneuvering and depth control systems for submarines.
  • Develop/validate advanced design and analysis tools for naval vehicles and propulsors.
  • Development of electromagnetic signature theory and analysis
  • Electromagnetic signature measurement & diagnostic technologies; data acquisition, processing and imaging systems
  • Ensure independent and objective Environmental Quality testing, validation and integration of products.
  • Ensure independent and objective Ship Structures and Materials, and Weapons Materials testing, validation and integration of products.
  • Ensure interoperability of warfare systems and integrated warfighting capability.
  • Ensure the availability of uniquely military products facilities, and services.
  • Ensure the continued availability of a Vulnerability and Survivability capability, including ILS.
  • Ensure the continued availability of in-service Environmental Quality engineering capability, including ILS, to support all ships and weapon systems.
  • Ensure the continued availability of Structures and Materials in-service engineering capability, including ILS, to support all ships and weapon systems.
  • Ensure the stewardship of Navy Vulnerability and Survivability capabilities that have little or no private sector counterpart.
  • Environmental Quality Systems
  • Evaluate the Total Ownership Cost (TOC) of naval forces, ships, ship systems, and ship components.
  • Generate ship and submarine designs, and assesses their performance.
  • Machinery Systems and Components
  • Maintain accountability for the safety and effectiveness of our products.
  • Maintain corporate knowledge and data base of hydrodynamic performance of fleet submarine maneuvering control behavior and ship performance characteristics.
  • Perform Analysis of Alternative evaluations.
  • Perform Cost as an Independent Variable (CAIV)
  • Program manager and Technical Development Agent for USMC Maneuver.
  • Proven Integrated Process and Product Development (IPPD) expertise
  • Provide acquisition milestone support, especially pre-Milestone 1.
  • Provide Emergency Fleet Response.
  • Provide expertise in the acquisition of and integration into Environmental Quality systems for ships.
  • Provide government Environmental Quality expertise and oversight as smart buyer to ensure product and technical integrity, and to enhance competition.
  • Provide hydrodynamic support for towed arrays and systems including minesweeping.
  • Provide in-house Environmental Quality research partnering with industry and academia to ensure technological superiority for the future fleet's war fighting systems.
  • Provide in-house Ship Structures and Materials, and Weapons Materials research partnering with industry and academia to ensure technological superiority for future fleet's warfighting systems.
  • Provide interrelated and broad Environmental Quality capabilities for systems engineering solutions to complex problems.
  • Provide Navy unique safety procedures (radiation monitoring).
  • Provide the body of knowledge to sustain stewardship of Environmental Quality systems throughout their lifecycle.
  • Provide the body of knowledge to sustain stewardship of Structures and Materials.
  • Provide the in-house Structures and Materials technical expertise required to manage the acquisition, maintenance and modernization of ship and weapon systems.
  • Provide the Navy's Structures and Materials capability to engineer technically superior warfare systems that ensure an integrated and interoperable warfighting capability.
  • Provide the technical capability to anticipate and respond to current and future National needs.
  • Provide Vulnerability and Survivability technical information and analysis for development of effective training and tactics.
  • Radar cross section measurement & diagnostic technologies; data acquisition, processing and imaging systems
  • Retain those critical and unique Ship Structures and Materials, and Weapons Materials facilities that could only be replicated at great cost, or not at all.
  • Retain those critical and unique Vulnerability and Survivability facilities that could only be replicated at great cost, or not at all; and provide access to test ranges and equipment.
  • Review designs and concepts for hydromechanics adequacy and suitability for operational use., and platform cost/performance trade-offs.
  • Serve as the interface between the Fleet and the shore infrastructure.
  • Ship signature control integrated design
  • Ship signature control integrated design
  • Signature and Silencing Systems
  • Signature mitigation materials sciences
  • Signature mitigation materials sciences
  • Structural Acoustics, vibrations and target strength of ships and machinery
  • Structures and Materials
  • Support Navy ship acquisition programs through all phases of design, construction and in-service engineering.
  • Support the investigation into the physics of non-acoustic signatures.
  • Provide the necessary government oversight and ensure technical integrity of the acquisition and Life Cycle Engineering processes.
  • Provide Vulnerability and Survivability expertise and oversight as smart buyer to ensure product and technical integrity.
  • Technical Authority Boats and Crafts
  • Test & validate the hydrodynamic performance of new ship and submarine construction, modifications, and advanced hull forms for safety, sea keeping, signatures, maneuvering and control, resistance and powering.
  • Understand the application of commercial technology to military requirements.
  • Validate and improve Computational Fluid Dynamics codes for propulsor design, submarine maneuvering and fluid dynamics.
  • Vulnerability and Survivability Systems