[Header]: USDA Forest Service[Header]: USDA Forest ServiceUSDA logo which links to the department's national site.Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.

 Ecosystem Management Coordination Home
 Appeals and Litigation
 Resource Information Group (RIG)
 Natural Resource Information Systems (NRIS)
 National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
 Planning/National Forest Management Act (NFMA)
 Content Analysis (CAT)
 Publishing Arts (PA)
 Inventory and Monitoring Institute (IMI)
 EMC Contacts


Ecosystem Management Coordination (EMC)
USDA Forest Service
Yates Bldg. 3CEN
201 14th St., SW
Wash. DC, 20250

(202) 205-0895

 National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)

Forest Service NEPA Procedures, Policy, and Guidance

Updated - NEPA Procedures (36 CFR 220)
Environmental Policy and Procedures Manual (FSM 1950)
Environmental Policy and Procedures Handbook (FSH 1909.15)
Economic and Social Analysis Handbook (FSH 1909.17)
Federal Registers related to NEPA Directives

Cooperating Agencies

Cooperating Agency Guidance - FS, BLM, USPS
See - CEQ Guidance Memos on Cooperating Agencies
Executive Order Facilitation of Cooperative Conservation

Cumulative Effects

CEQ - Considering Cumulative Effects Under NEPA
EPA - Consideration of Cumulative Impacts in EPA Review of NEPA Documents

Decision Protocol

Graphic Overview
Decision Protocol (Version 2.0 of 11/12/98)
Crosswalk with NEPA

Energy Policy Act of 2005 Categorical Exclusions

Use Guidance of 03/14/2006

Environmental Impact Statements

Filing an EIS with the Environmental Protection Agency

Where To File An EIS
EIS Filing System Guidance
EPA's Environmental Impact Statement Database

List of Agencies for Distribution of Draft and Final Environmental Impact Statements

(See Templates-Environmental Documents Below)

Environmental Justice

Executive Order of 2/11/94 on Environmental Justice
USDA Departmental Regulation on Environmental Justice (5600-2)
CEQ - Environmental Justice - Guidance Under the NEPA
EPA - Final Guidance for Incorporating EJ Concerns in EPA's NEPA Compliance Analyses
EPA Office of Environmental Justice
EPA Comments on Environmental Impact Statements (EISs)
Final Guidance for Consideration of Environmental Justice in Clean Air Act 309 (EIS) Reviews
Human Dimensions Module - Natural Resource Information System
National Human Dimensions Framework and Database for Conducting Social Assessments

Environmental Management Systems (EMS)

Environmental Protection Agency

EPA - NEPA Frequently Asked Questions
EPA - Regional Frequently Asked Questions

Federal Advisory Committee Act

Federal Register Notices

Federal Register Homepage
Federal Register Drafting Handbook (See Chapter 3)
Plain Language Tools
About Forest Service NEPA Notices in the Federal Register-Using EPA's FR Environmental Documents Homepage

Heathy Forests Initiative

Demonstration Environmental Assessment Projects
Heathy Forests Initiative Tools

Invasive Plant Management Decisions and NEPA


Digitop Library


Argonne National Laboratory, Department of Energy
Coarse-Scale Spatial Data for Wildland Fire and Fuel Management
NEPA Net - NEPA Statute, Guidance and Information Links from the Council on Environmental Quality

Roadless Area Conservation

Stewardship Contracting Information

Templates- Environmental Documents

Training Courses-Forest Service NEPA (Organized by FS Region according to needs and available resources)

bulletNational Environmental Conflict Resolution Conference
NEPA/NFMA Forest Plan Implementation (1900-01)
Social Impact Analysis: Principles and Procedures (1900-03)
Pathways to Career Growth in NEPA - Gaining Compentency Through Development Opportunities


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Last Modified: July 24, 2008 9:44 AM
Page Contact: R Griffith