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  • AtomWorks
    AtomWorks is a coalition of science and industry leaders dedicated to catalyzing nanotechnology development and commercialization in Illinois and throughout the Midwest. The organization serves as a clearinghouse of nanotechnology information, provides nanotechnology education, increases public awareness of nanotechnology's potential benefits, builds a community of interest for individuals and companies involved in nanotechnology, and develops networks of resources on behalf of those trying to commercialize nanotech innovations.
  • Center for Nanoscale Materials (CNM) at Argonne National Laboratory
    "The Center for Nanoscale Materials at Argonne National Laboratory is a joint partnership between the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the State of Illinois, as part of DOE’S Nanoscale Science Research Center program. The CNM will serve as a user-based center, providing tools and infrastructure for nanoscience and nanotechnology research."
  • The Foresight Institute
    Links to nanotechnology publications. Includes the full text of papers presented at recent nanotechnogy conferences. There are links to seminal papers, jobs in nanotechnology, an online bookstore, discussion groups, and links to pioneers in the field.
  • The Institute for Molecular Manufacturing
    A nonprofit organization, this site has links to preprints, images, multimedia presentations, MPEG videos of molecular simulation, IMM Reports, discussion group archives, senate testimony on nanotechnology (environmental applications), nanotechnology FAQs, and other IMM activities.
  • The Institute of Nanotechnology - Nano Glossary
    Contains abbreviations used in discussing nanotechnology and other anticipated technologies. It is intended to offer help in crossing disciplinary boundaries. The root site also contains useful conference information.
  • International Risk Governance Council
    The International Risk Governance Council (IRGC) is an independent foundation that involves a public-private partnership which supports various sectors such as governments, business and other organizations in developing and developed countries. The group published the "Whitepaper - Nanotechnology Risk Governance " published in June of 2006. This report includes nanotechnology governance information for 11 economies and related nanotechnology R&D data from a total of 27 economies.
  • Nanoscale Science, Engineering, and Technology Research (NSET) of the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences (BES)
    Links to DOE NSET reports, information on the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) and the five Nanoscale Science Research Centers supported by BES
  • Nanostructures Materials and Interfaces
    University of Wisconsin - NSF Materials Science and Engineering Center Making the Nanoworld Comprehensible - it's a good starting point for basic information on nanoscience. It contains an excellent glossary of terms, and archives the Center's nanoscience events and publications.
    A portal for nanotechnology business and science news nanotechnology. You can signup for a FREE nanotech email newsletter.
    Hosted by IOP, the Institute of Physics, this site covers the scientific and business issues of nanotechnology. You can signup for FREE weekly news alerts.
  • National Nanotechnology Initiative
    The National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) is a federal R&D program established to coordinate the multiagency efforts in nanoscale science, engineering, and technology. Includes information on the NNI research centers and funding opportunities.
  • NIOSH, Nanotechnology, and Occupational Safety and Health Research FAQ's.
    The topic page answers basic questions, defines nanotechnology, identifies nanomaterials, addresses the worker health effects and outlines the NIOSH research program.
  • NIOSH Safety and Health Topic: Nanotechnology
    Includes NIOSH position statements, links to NIOSH, other gov't and non-gov't reports, and a link to Focus on Nanotechnology, a regularly updated electronic report on new NIOSH developments related to research on Nanotechnology and occupational health.
  • Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies
    The Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies was established in April 2005 as a partnership between the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and the Pew Charitable Trusts. The Project is dedicated to helping business, governments and the public anticipate and manage the possible human and environmental implications of nanotechnology. A unique feature of this site is a new, searchable inventory of research into nanotechnology's potential environmental, human health, and safety effects. This database is searchable by funding source and includes funding levels.
  • Smalltimes
    Smalltimes Media is a leading source of business information about micro and nanotechnology. You can signup for a FREE weekly email newsletter.
  • Technology in Illinois - Nanotechnology
    State of Illinois site for the nanotechnology initiative.
  • WWWVL Microscopy: Nanotechnology and Nanomechanics Sites
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