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Math & Computer Science


General - Computing

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General - Mathematics

  • EMIS: The European Mathematical Information Service
    The European Mathematical Information Service - Site for Eurocentric mathematics information.
  • The FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) Home Page
    "Under the Information Technology Management Reform Act (Public Law 104-106), the Secretary of Commerce approves standards and guidelines that are developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for Federal computer systems." This site contains various indexes to these standards, recent changes, and announcements, and links to fulltext of the standards.
  • Global Directory of Mathematics Preprint and e-Print Servers
    "The mission of the Global Directory of Preprint and e-Print Servers is to make available to the mathematical community the current homepage URLs and email contacts of all mathematical preprint and e-print servers throughout the world." Site is maintained by the American Mathematical Society.
  • The Jahrbuch-project: Electronic Research Archive for Mathematics (ERAM)
    This is the online equivalent of the JFM which indexed the mathematical literature from 1868 to 1943. Eventually they will have the entire run of this journal online, with links to online fulltext when available.
  • MacTutor History of Mathematics archive
    A comprehensive source of biographies and historical looks at mathematical subjects.
  • Materials Organized by Mathematical Topics
  • Math WWW VL : Specialized Fields
    Links to a wide variety of mathematical resources on the web listed by subject. The site is maintained by the mathematics department at Florida State University.
    This is a collection of short articles designed to provide an introduction to the areas of modern mathematics and pointers to further information, as well as answers to some common (or not!) questions. The material is arranged in a hierarchy of disciplines, each with its own index page.
  • Mathematics Information Servers
    A database to mathematics servers maintained by the Penn State Mathematics Department. It has a low tech search engine for anything in the database and a topical listing including mathematics ejournal and mathematical software.
  • New Journals in Mathematics
    A list of all new and announced journals published in the field of mathematics since 1994 with links to free online journals.
  • Office of Science -- Advanced Scientific Computing Research
    Department of Energy, Office of Science. "The ASCR program's mission is to discover, develop, and deploy the computational and networking tools that enable scientific researchers to analyze, model, simulate, and predict complex physical, chemical, and biological phenomena important to the DOE. This research is changing the ways in which modern science is conducted."
  • Preprint Server in Mathematics ArXiv
  • Zentralblatt MATH
    One of the two major indexes to the mathematical literature. This web version allows 3 citations only for unregistered users. Extremely useful for verifying European/Asian based citations.
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Artificial Intelligence

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Computational Methods

  • Computational Science Resources
    "This document is a collection of starting points for searching the Web for resources related to computational science and engineering." Includes groupings by methods, applications, road maps, courses, hardware, software and reference.
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  • Digital Libraries : Metadata Resources
    Large list of links to sites on what metadata is, how to use it, relevant literature and tutorials, and related initiatives such as a new scheme for URLs.
    Information on the architecture, applications, basics, networks, and news.
  • W3C - World Wide Web Consortium
    W3C provides a repository of information about the Web for developers and users, including specifications, a sample code implementation to embody and promote standards, and various prototype & sample applications to demonstrate use of new technologies.
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Operations Research

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  • Global Optimization
  • Optimization Technology Center
    Based at Argonne. "The Center's mission is to make potential users in industry, government, and academia aware of how optimization techniques can aid their work, and to make the latest techniques widely available. ... Center activities focus on combining the best optimization algorithms and computational tools with the power and reach of the Internet."
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  • Online C++ Tutorial
    This tutorial gives a good understanding of the programming language
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Programming - Web Based

  • ActiveState
    Free software, links to references and support for ActivePerl for Win32 platforms.
  • Gamelan - the Official Directory for JAVA
    This site is a clearinghouse for Java developers to share information, learn, and keep current. Information included at this site include tutorials, publications, tools & utilities, etc.
  • HTML 4.01 Specificiation
    This specification defines HTML version 4.01. In addition to the text, multimedia, and hyperlink features of the previous versions, HTML 4.01 supports more multimedia options, scripting languages, style sheets, improved printing facilities, and documents accessible to users with disabilities.
  • The WEb3D Repository
    The Web3D Repository is a resource for the dissemination of information relating to Web3D and is maintained by the Web3D Consortium. This includes open languages such as Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML), Java3D and X3D (under development) - also any proprietary languages that have been developed for the same purpose come under the umbrella of Web3d.
  • XHTML Specification
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  • Web Pages that Perform Statistical Calculations!
    This site is comprehensive. "The web pages listed comprise a powerful, conveniently-accessible, and FREE multi-platform statistical software package. There are also links to online statistics books, tutorials, downloadable software, and related resources."
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Supercomputing and High Performance Computing

  • IEEE Computer Society's P a r a S c o p e
    A Listing of Parallel Computing Sites - A comprehensive link to supercomputing centers, conference, ejournals, vendors, federal agencies with a daily log of updates. Maintained by David A. Bader.
  • Software, Benchmarking and Supercomputing
    The Netlib repository contains freely available software, documents, and databases of interest to the numerical, scientific computing, and other communities. The repository is maintained by AT&T Bell Laboratories, the University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Of interest is the listing of the 500 top supercomputers.
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Virtual Reality

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