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Biological Science

General Biology & BioMedicine

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Biomolecular and Biochemical Databases & Protocols

  • ExPASy's Life Sciences Directory
    More than1000 links on a single page, organized by category.
  • Healthlnks -- Proteins
    Links to databases for protein motifs & patterns, protein structures and protein tools. From this website you can also get to BioMolecule databases, model organisms, and bioinformatics sites, among others.
  • National Center for Biotechnology Information
    Links to NLM databases & publications, and resources on genetics.
  • NCBI Handbook
    This is an online book, that discusses the many resources available at NCBI. Each chapter is devoted to one resource. Included is a fairly substantive Glossary.
  • NCBI Site Map: Guide to NCBI Resources
    " This site map is also a guide to NCBI resources. Each link leads to a brief description of the resource on this page, then to the resource itself. An ALPHABETICAL QUICKLINKS table is also available. It provides an alphabetical list of the major resources with direct links to those resources, bypassing the descriptions."
  • NTA Protocols
    A list of protocols servers from NIEH. Includes a link to the Joy of Cloning.
  • Database (January 1) issue of Nucleic Acids Research
  • PCR Jump Station
    Web page for information and links for all aspects of the Polymerase Chain Reaction. (PCR) Warning, it contains many ads.
  • PubChem
    "PubChem contains the chemical structures of small organic molecules and information on their biological activities... PubChem is organized as three linked databases within the Entrez/PubMed information retrieval system. These are PubChem Substance, PubChem Compound, and PubChem BioAssay. PubChem also provides PubChem Structure Search You can search for compounds, structures, bioassays using either text or structure searching..."
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  • Biofilms -- Related sites
    Links to several research sites, both academic and non-academic, commercial products and services, and other relevant sites such as journals, and compilations of websites.
  • Biotech at Indiana University
    Includes an illustrated dictionary, chemical acronyms database, annotated listing of links to biomedical websites, section on bioinformatics, professional resources (grants, jobs, etc.), and BioMedLink.
  • Information Systems for Biotechnology
    Provides information on agricultural & environmental biotechnology research, product development, regulatory issues, and biosafety.
  • Science News Presented by BIO
    (The Biotechnology Industry Organization) Intent of this site is the dissemination of information on emerging research and related issues. Includes information on news, legislation, bioinformatics, organizations, issues, environment, therapeutics, & education.
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Cell Biology

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  • DOE Genomes to Life
    " The Genomics:GTL (GTL) research program focuses on developing technologies to understand and use the diverse capabilities of plants and microbes for innovative solutions to DOE energy and environmental mission challenges."
  • Genome Glossary
  • Institute for Genomic Research
    Contains TIGR (TDB), a collection of curated databases containing DNA and protein sequence, gene expression, cellular role, protein family, and taxonomic data for microbes, plants and humans. Anonymous FTP access to sequence data also provided
  • National Center for Genome Resources
    Contains tools, research information, funding, databases, jobs and news.
  • OMIM: Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man
    "This database is a catalog of human genes and genetic disorders authored and edited by Dr. Victor A. McKusick and his colleagues at Johns Hopkins and elsewhere, and developed for the WWW by NCBI, the National Center for Biotechnology Information. The database contains textual information and references. It also contains copious links to MEDLINE and sequence records in the Entrez system, and links to additional related resources at NCBI and elsewhere."
  • Species specific databases
    Comprehensive list of genome databases, including links to specific chromosomes of humans.
  • Virtual Library on Genetics
    This web site is a subject catalog covering genetics in the biosciences. Indexed by organism.
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Medical Reference

  • Medical Dictionaries
  • ABMS Certified Doctor Home page
    Allows individuals to verify, free of charge, the board certification status, location by city and state and specialty of any physician certified by one or more of the 24 Member Boards of the ABMS. Another search engine, also free, allows individuals to locate a board certified physician by geographic area (zip code).
  • Best Hospitals 2006
    From US News & World Report, a searchable database of the best hospitals by searchable by region and/or by specialty.
  • Bookshelf (from NLM)
    A collection of biomedical books searchable directly by typing a concept into the textbox above and selecting "Go". Books are also linked to terms in PubMed abstracts: when viewing an abstract, select the "Books" link to see phrases within the abstract hyperlinked to book sections.
  • Healthfinder - a gateway consumer health and human services information
    Developed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, this site can lead you to selected online publications, clearinghouses, databases, web sites, and support and self-help groups, as well as government agencies and not-for-profit organizations that producing reliable information for the public.
  • MEDLINEplus
    Designed for educational use only, this site links to health topics, dictionaries, MEDLINE and other databases, clearinghouses, directories (for finding doctors, hospitals), organizations, publications/news (for reading online), and libraries for health consumers.
    The Merck Manual of Geriatrics is available online. Part of the The Merck Manual of Medical Information--Home Edition is also available online. The newest online version of the Merck Manual of Diagnosis & Therapy is now available.
  • OncoLink, the University of Pennsylvania Cancer Center
    One of the most comprehensive online sites for cancer information. Designed for educational purposes only, this site does not offer medical advice or professional services.
  • PDR Electronic Library
    Gives access to the PDR online and Stedman's Medical Dictionary.
  • State of Illinois -- Division of Professional Regulation License Lookup
    License Look-up results include the Licensee's Name, License Number, License Status, City and State, Original Date of Licensure, License Expiration Date and Disciplinary Action Indicator. Can be used for physicians and/or other licensed professions in the State of Illinois.
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  • Bacterial Nomenclature Up-To-Date
    This is a compilation of all bacterial names which have been validly published since January 1 1980 and nomenclatural changes which have been validly published since. It will be updated with the publication of each new issue of the IJSEM. The database is based on those names which are validly published according to the Bacteriological Code.
  • Biofilms Online Manual
    A collection of exercises which can be conducted to illustrate the formation and properties of microbial biofilms.
  • Cyanosite for Cyanobacteria, Blue-green Algae, and Prochlorophytes
    A bibliographic database containing over 12,000 references, current through 2001. Links to the Toxic Cyanobacteria Home Page, and has a list of other web resources on Cyanobacteria.
  • Garry Laboratory Web Pages--All the Virology Servers in the World
    This includes The Big Virology Picture Book which "...serves as both a catalog of virus pictures on the WWW and as an educational resource to those seeking more information about viruses."
  • Prokaryotes
    The Prokaryotes 3rd edition is an online-only publication that is published incrementally in 16 releases over 4 years.
  • Universal Virus Databases Online
    ICTVdB version 3 is based on the Seventh Report of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV). Users can search or browse the database, and the interactive key provides help with some of the terminology. There is an index of images for those users only interested in records that include photos.
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Molecular Biology, Biochemistry & Bioinformatics

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Pharmacy Reference

  • FDA Bulletin Board
    Includes FDA News, plus resources on food, cosmetics, drugs, and toxicology.
  • Internet Drug Index
    Search by brand or generic names, symptoms, side effects, drug interactions, or any phrase. Information from Mosby GenRX.
  • PDR Electronic Library
    Gives access to the PDR online and an interactions database.
  • PharmWeb
    Searchable by keywords (at bottom of page), this database provides information on every aspect of the pharmacological industry.
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Radiation Biology

  • Human Radiation experiments at DOE
    "The Office of Human Radiation Experiments, established in March 1994, leads the Department of Energy's efforts to tell the agency's Cold War story of radiation research using human subjects." Consists of links to information and records from DOE, DoD, HHS, VA, and CIA. Some records go back to the 1940's.
  • Introduction to Radiation
    Contains links to information sources on all aspects of radiation. The links are geared for three distinct groups: the General Public, Students and the Health Physics community at large.
  • Radiation Biology Calculators
    Contains links to calculators that allow you to calculate annual dosage, radiation decay, waste calculations, etc.
  • Radiation Safety
    Links to Radiation Safety WWW sites, Radsafety training, NRC dosimetry information, regulations and laws for radiation safety, and related safety sites.
  • Health Effects & Protection
    • CDRH Center for Devices and Radiologic Health
      Contains a link to the GGP database with a current comprehensive list of all CDRH guidance documents. Some are available full text at this site.
    • Environmental Health Center
      Information on programs, an environmental glossary, environmental links, Climate Change Update (full text), etc.
    • IRPA
      International Radiation Protection Association

Toxicology - Biological (or Medical) and Environmental

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