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Drilling helps Lab determine path forward

February 20, 2007

Was former waste disposal area

Subcontractors to the Environmental Programs (EP) Directorate take environmental samples during recent drilling between historic waste disposal pits at Material Disposal Area-C, located north of Pajarito Road near Technical Area 50. The drilling crews are wearing personal protective equipment with air supplied through lines (visible in the foreground) to protect themselves from possible exposure to contaminants buried at the site. MDA-C intermittently operated as the Laboratory's second waste disposal area from 1947 to 1974 and received radioactive and chemical wastes.

Crews are drilling four boreholes this month between waste pits at MDA-C as part of requirements under a Consent Order with the New Mexico Environment Department. Data from the four boreholes will be added to data from 36 other boreholes and other information contained within an MDA-C investigation report that was submitted to NMED in December. Because of the nature of wastes disposed at the site, and the lack of clearly recognizable boundaries between waste disposal pits at MDA-C, the Laboratory developed a rigorous safety plan to protect workers and the environment during drilling of the final four holes. Data from the boreholes and the investigation report will help the Laboratory and the Environment Department determine final closure options for the MDA-C site.

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