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Laboratory business symposium a success

February 12, 2007

Joyce Matthews, center, of Subcontracts, visits with attendees at the Laboratory sponsored New Mexico Business Symposium February 8 at the Cities of Gold Conference Center in Pojoaque. The symposium was an opportunity for business owners and procurement staff to meet and network. "The symposium was a big success," said Dennis Roybal the Laboratory's Small Business Program manager. "The comments I have received back from many suppliers, is that our symposium exceeded their expectations and that all expos should be this productive."

Bottom photo: More than two hundred vendors and suppliers from around the region and as far away as Virginia and Georgia attended the Laboratory's business symposium, which was co-sponsored by the New Mexico 8(a) and Minority Business Association and the Northern New Mexico Supplier Alliance. The symposium brought together business owners, procurement management and staff, and technical end users from the Laboratory to learn more about the goods and services needs of the Laboratory.

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