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NNSA releases report on plans for future of the nuclear weapons complex

February 9, 2007

A report that further outlines the Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration's plans to modernize the nation's aging, Cold War-era nuclear weapons complex is now out. With its “Complex 2030” plan for the future, NNSA is seeking to transform today’s complex into one that is smaller, more efficient, more secure and better able to respond to technical problems in the stockpile, and emerging national security needs.

A key finding of the report says that the complex’s total square footage and the number of employees funded by NNSA’s nuclear weapons accounts could each be reduced by as much as one-third in the future. The report also notes that it is NNSA’s goal to carry out Complex 2030 within existing funding levels and program structures.

Complex 2030 is DOE/NNSA's vision for the future nuclear weapons complex. It includes fewer facilities that are safer and more secure, consolidating special nuclear materials, eliminating duplicative capabilities, establishing a consolidated plutonium center, and implementing more efficient, and uniform business practices throughout the complex.

NNSA’s nuclear weapons complex consists of the eight major facilities - including Los Alamos - across the country that work together to keep the nation’s nuclear stockpile safe and reliable without underground nuclear testing.

Click here to read a NNSA news release.

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