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Lab, UC officials discuss Appendix F in Washington

December 2, 2005

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Director Michael Anastasio, standing left, and other Laboratory and University of California staff were in Washington, D.C. for an Appendix F pre-brief meeting earlier this week. Center with back to camera is Laboratory Director Bob Kuckuck. At left is John Birely of UC and John Immele, Los Alamos' deputy director for national security. Far right (to left) are Buck Koonce of UC, Glenn Mara of the Director's Office, Bob Foley, UC's vice president for laboratory management, Sharon Eklund of the UC Office of the President and Bill Wadt of the Prime Contract Office (PCO). Appendix F is the Laboratory's annual report card from the National Nuclear Security Administration. It consists of 10 objectives, six for mission and four for operations, and span the work of the Laboratory ranging from nuclear weapons, science and strategic programs, to business systems, infrastructure and the work force. Later that day, a holiday celebration was held at the Laboratory - Lawrence Livermore offices in the nation's capital.

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