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Laboratory releases information on performance and salary management

September 19, 2005

The Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration has authorized a 2.8 percent merit pool for Los Alamos’ University of California employees in the 2006 fiscal year.

Merit-based salary adjustments for UC Lab employees in the TSM, SSM, TEC and OS/GS/AS job categories go into effect on Oct. 3 and are reflected in Oct. 13 paychecks, according to a memo from Rich Marquez, associate director for administration (ADA).

“As was the case last year, the determination regarding this year’s merit pool was preceded by submissions from all three weapons laboratories utilizing consistent market-based survey methodology,” Marquez wrote. “Largely due to budget projections, in the end, all three laboratories received identical overall merit pools as a percentage of total base salaries.”

Individual directorates may, at their discretion, hold back a portion of their salary increase authorization for 2006 fiscal year contingencies. Therefore, employees should not expect that the amount of directorate-level distribution of funds will necessarily translate into an average individual salary increase for employees within that directorate, said Marquez.

To read the all-employee memo, click here (Adobe Acrobat Reader required).

For information on the Laboratory’s Performance and Salary Management process, go to http://int.lanl.gov/orgs/hr/psm/index.shtml online.

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