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New student mentoring policy released

June 23, 2005

The Lab implemented a new student mentoring program policy and procedure on May 31. According to Terry Lowe of the Science and Technology Base Programs (STB) Office, the policy, IPP 787.0, references and supports IMP 300.2 Integrated Work Management for Work Activities, which directs that all Lab work be conducted in accordance with Laboratory policies and procedures.

The new student mentoring program requirements apply to mentors, their students and those organizations that host or employ students. All students -- high school, undergraduate, graduate, minor students, students under affiliate guest agreements on-site for 10 days or more, post-baccalaureate degree students and post-master's degree students awaiting admittance to graduate school -- are covered by the policy.

The policy formalizes and standardizes the selection, training, and recognition of mentors and students. Additionally, it consolidates the good mentoring practices already in place throughout many Laboratory organizations and clarifies or establishes responsibilities and requirements with respect to safety and security for students, mentors, division student liaisons, line management and other supporting organizations.

STB administers and manages the student mentoring policy. This new policy can viewed at http://policies.lanl.gov/pods/policies.nsf/MainFrameset?ReadForm&DocNum= IPP787&FileName=ipp787.pdf online (Adobe Acrobat Reader required).

For more information about the student mentoring program and policy, contact Carole Rutten, STB-EPO student/mentor liaison, at 5-5194 or crutten@lanl.gov by electronic mail.

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