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Lab has representation at meeting in Russia

June 15, 2005

A statue of Vladimir Ilich Lenin, Soviet Russia's first leader, provides a backdrop for a gathering earlier this month of top U.S. nuclear weapons officials at Snezhinsk, about 900 miles east of Moscow. Acting Laboratory Deputy Director Don Cobb, standing center, in photo, joined Sandia, Lawrence Livermore and top National Nuclear Security Administration officials for the regular U.S.-Russia Lab Directors Meeting June 3-4 at the Russian Federal Nuclear Center - All Russia Scientific Research Institute of Technical Physics (RFNC-VNIITF). Cobb also presented a gift commemorating the Russian laboratory's 50th anniversary to the VNIITF director. Los Alamos continues to enjoy a number of cooperative research programs with VNIITF and other Russian nuclear laboratories in such areas as materials science and high-energy density physics. Pictured left to right, are Joe Saloio, Sandia; NNSA Administrator Linton Brooks; Sandia Director Tom Hunter; Cobb; Doug Fremont, NNSA; John Stitchman, SNL vice-president; and Tom D'Agostino, NNSA deputy administrator for defense programs. Seated are Bruce Goodwin, associate director for defense and nuclear technologies at Livermore lab, and Paul White, Los Alamos' director for national security planning and analysis (DDNS).

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