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Request for proposals on Laboratory contract is released

May 20, 2005

The Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration on Thursday released the final request for proposals on the contract to manage and operate the Laboratory.

The final request for proposals includes provisions to reward excellence through performance incentive fees and term extensions. Proposals to operate the Laboratory must be submitted to DOE/NNSA by July 19, and NNSA anticipates announcing an award by Dec. 1.

The DOE announcement regarding the final request for proposals can be found at http://www.doeal.gov/LANLContractRecompete/RFP.htm online. The NNSA also released a fact sheet on the Laboratory request for proposals (Adobe Acrobat Reader required).

Click here to read a transcript of Thursday's news conference with DOE's Tyler Przyblek, chairman of the DOE/NNSA Source Evaluation Board (Adobe Acrobat Reader required). To hear a rebroadcast of Thursday's news conference announcing the final RFP, go to Media Theater at int.lanl.gov/media and click on Browse the Archive and follow the link to the rebroadcast. It will be available beginning at noon.

The University of California has operated the Laboratory since its Manhattan Project inception in 1943.

To read a statement from Laboratory Director Robert Kuckuck, click here.

To read a statement from Michael Anastasio, University of California, Bechtel, BWX Technologies and Washington Group International competition team leader, click here.

To read a joint statement from New Mexico Sens. Jeff Bingaman and Pete Domenici, click here.

To read a statement from Rep. Tom Udall, D-N.M., click here.

To read a statement from Gov. Bill Richardson, click here.

Request for Proposals schedule

May 19, 2005 - Release of final RFP
July 19, 2005 - Proposals due
December 1, 2005- Contract award
May 31, 2006 - Transition period ends
June 1, 2006 - Successor contractor commences M&O contract activities
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