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Pollution Prevention awards ceremony is today

April 28, 2005

Thirty-nine employee teams are receiving Pollution Prevention Awards at a ceremony scheduled for 10:30 this morning in the Physics Building Auditorium at Technical Area 3. The ceremony is open to all Laboratory workers.

Some of the P2 projects receiving awards include wood pallet recycling, radiological liquid waste treatment facility chemical usage reductions, and elimination of hazardous waste stream using silver recovery, said Monica Witt of Solid Waste Regulatory Compliance (ENV-SWRC).

The Pollution Prevention Awards recognize the pollution prevention successes of individuals and teams that have minimized waste; conserved water, electricity or natural gas; reduced air or water pollution; procured products with recycled content; applied sustainable design elements or projects; used the Leadership Energy Environmental Design criteria to design a new facility; or helped in other ways to meet Department of Energy Pollution Prevention Goals for 2005.

The awards are sponsored by the Environmental Stewardship (ENV) Division.

In addition, the awards ceremony will note that the Laboratory successfully completed its annual Resource Conservation and Recovery Act inspection by the New Mexico Environment Department.
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