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Education Program Office focuses on process improvements

By Hildi T. Kelsey

April 6, 2005

As part of a corrective action plan resulting from the student laser injury last July, Performance Surety (PS-13) tasked the Education Program Office (STB-EPO) with modifying the existing student mentoring policy and procedures. STB-EPO, in partnership with PS Division, coordinated several focus groups and meetings comprised of the University of California Office of the President (UCOP), students, mentors, division safety officers, division student liaisons, members of the Students’ Association and the Student Programs Advisory Committee (SPAC).

For 2005, changes are primarily focused on processes owned by STB-EPO and PS -13, so the only requirement for mentors is to attend one of the mentor orientation sessions. However, once approved, the new student mentoring policy will have some bearing on the mentor’s role in 2006.

“This year, the focus will be on applying identified key process improvements – full implementation will begin via a two-year phased process once the document has been signed and approved. Among the process improvements for this year is the increase in the number of training classes being offered, including electrical safety,” said Carole Rutten of STB-EPO.

The first draft of the revised policy was submitted to PS-13 last December. In January, STB-EPO briefed the UCOP Environment, Safety and Health (ES&H) panel on the progress of the document. As part of the process for the second draft, the document was again sent out to the above-mentioned focus group members for input. Additionally, STB-EPO received feedback from Chief Science Officer Tom Bowles and the Science and Engineering Advisory Council (SEAC). The final draft was sent to PS-13 on March 31.

Rutten said that SPAC also has been a key player in the revision process. SPAC serves as an advocate for the quality of each student’s experience at the Lab and monitors the quality and impact of student programs to ensure effective communication. SPAC also recommends policy changes and initiatives as well as addresses issues surrounding student programs.

"SPAC has devoted the past few months to extensive review of the policy as the changes will have a huge impact on student programs. SPAC has provided STB-EPO and PS-13 with recommendations regarding content and implementation of the policy," Alexis Lavine of of Environmental Geology and Spatial Analysis (EES-9), chair of SPAC said about the student mentoring policy.

SPAC also is working closely with STB-EPO to enhance Laboratory mentor and student liaison training sessions. “Mentors are division staff members that hire and directly supervise students, while student liaisons are informative resources available to students and mentors,” said Lavine. “Additionally, liaisons provide support if problems arise with either the student or the mentor, oversee division student programs, help to integrate students into the LANL community, provide guidance, develop student Web pages and email lists, participate in student recruiting efforts, and organize student activities.”

In addition to today’s mentor orientation session from 8:30 to 10 a.m., a second session is scheduled for 1 to 2:30 p.m., April 21. Both sessions are in the Physics Building Auditorium at Technical Area 3.
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