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Lab divisions hosting fundraising events for United Way campaign

By Public Affairs Office

October 8, 2002

Divisions and groups from across the Laboratory are planning activities to raise money for this year's United Way campaign. As in years past, a number of frito pie and bake sales will be held, interspersed with some more unusual contests.

The Nonproliferation and International Security Division (NIS) will sponsor one of several silent auctions in which successful bidders can take home artwork and jewelry made by co-workers.

"Last year, no item went unbid for," said Mary Dugan of the Center for Space Science and Exploration (NIS-CSSE). "And our craft fair had original paintings, framed photos, jewelry and tooled leather."

NIS also is sponsoring a horseshoe tournament open to Lab personnel across the Laboratory through Nov. 1. The division has set up a horseshoe pit behind the Space and Atmospheric Sciences (NIS-1) Group Office at Technical Area 3 (behind the Physics Building Auditorium). Two contestants at a time pitch four horseshoes per round until one of the competitors reaches 20 points.

For more information about the horseshoe tournament, the silent auction or other NIS activities to benefit the United Way, contact Dugan at 7-0047 or write to mdugan@lanl.gov, by electronic mail, or Eloisa Michel, of NIS-1, at 7-2701 or emichel@lanl.gov by electronic mail.

The Human Resources (HR) Division has organized a name that baby contest. Baby pictures of a half dozen division managers went on display in the glass cabinet on the wall near Room P280 in the Otowi Building at TA-3. Contestants can guess which baby is now an HR manager, and are automatically entered into a raffle. The drawing is scheduled for Oct. 16.

"Although there is no cost to participate, we do hope that everyone will try to make a contribution when they turn in their form," said Tami Enos of HR. For more information, contact Enos at 7-7425 or write to tami@lanl.gov by electronic mail.

Accounting (BUS-1) is sponsoring a build-a-burrito fundraiser for United Way on Oct. 23. For $5 each, 60 to 70 group employees will be able to make their own lunch from donated tortillas, beef, beans, cheese and vegetables. The benefit will take place in the TRK/BUS-1 conference room from 11:30 a.m. until the food runs out. For more information, contact Sarah Wright Hoffman at 7-3292 or write to shoffman@lanl.gov by electronic mail.

As of Monday, more than $205,000 has been raised in pledges and donations. The Lab's United Way campaign is scheduled to end Nov. 8.

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