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TR initiative reaches out Labwide

By Nancy Ambrosiano

March 11, 2008

An unusual initiative is taking cross-Laboratory outreach and collaboration to a new level this week. The "TR.Harmony" Web page is inviting technical staff members, technicians, administrative and structured series personnel to take a temporary "Form B" or longer term matrixed deployment to urgent projects in the Threat Reduction Directorate.

"From space payloads, international nonproliferation, nuclear safeguards and forensics, to Department of Defense and Department of Homeland Security and intelligence community work, the threat reduction world is diverse, fascinating, and essential to national security," said Associate Director for Threat Reduction Doug Beason. "As a result of this level of intense interest (and the impacts of the Self-Selection Program), new opportunities have opened in TR's programmatic and line work forces. These are positions that must be filled soon in order for the Laboratory to meet its many commitments in its national security mission."

The Web site is unique, in that it is not part of the traditional job-posting structure at the Laboratory. Said TR Executive Director Steve Blair, "In the past, Form Bs and deployments were negotiated one at a time, but in this case we're looking to bring on 50-some people in an accelerated time frame."

The arrangements for a long- or short-term deployment must be made through the group leaders, to ensure that the Laboratory's priorities are reflected in placement of employees into these positions.

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