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Postdoctoral Publication Prize winner recognized

September 25, 2007

Postdoc Rajesh Bashyam of Sensors and Electrochemical Devices (MPA-11) pauses before beginning his discussion of nonprecious metal composite catalysts for fuel cells during a colloquium last Thursday sponsored by the Physics and Theoretical divisions.

Bashyam received the 2007 Postdoctoral Publication Prize in Experimental Sciences for his work on the paper "A Class on Nonprecious Metal Composite Catalysts for Fuel Cells" and was presented with a certificate and monetary award before giving his talk. The prize recognizes the best article in experimental sciences in the past three years.

Houtong Chen of the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (MPA-CINT) and Trevor Hayton, formerly of Materials Chemistry (MPA-MC) and currently an assistant professor in the chemistry and biochemistry department at University of California, Santa Barbara, also were recognized for garnering honorable mention. For more on the Postdoctoral Publication Prize in Experimental Sciences, see the July 9 Daily Newsbulletin.

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