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Director's Classified Colloquium to outline Six Party Talks

By Kevin N. Roark

June 20, 2007

Laboratory scientist is DOE's representative at talks to end North Korean nuclear program

As the current Department of Energy representative on the U.S. delegation to the Six-Party talks, Kevin Veal of Safeguards Science and Technology (N-1), will provide insights into efforts to achieve the verifiable elimination of the North Korean nuclear program at a classified talk at 1:10 this afternoon in the National Security Sciences Building Auditorium.

The talk is open to Q-cleared employees only with sigmas 1-10. No foreign nationals may attend.

The U.S. is participating in the so-called "Six-Party Talks" currently seeking an end to North Korea's nuclear weapons program. The six parties, which also include North Korea, China, South Korea, Russia, and Japan, have held sporadic talks over the past four years. In 2005, the parties agreed that North Korea would abandon all nuclear weapons and nuclear programs in exchange for energy assistance and security guarantees.

Veal came to the Laboratory in 1999 as a post doc. He spent his first five years with the Laboratory working on the development of neutron and gamma ray detector systems to measure, monitor, and track nuclear materials for both domestic and foreign nuclear facilities. He recently returned to the Laboratory after a three-year change-of-station assignment to NNSA headquarters where he served as a technical adviser in the Office of International Safeguards (NA-243) and the Office of Dismantlement and Transparency (NA-241). He has represented the Department of Energy on the U.S. delegation to the Six-Party talks since November 2005 and is presently the only representative from DOE on the U.S. delegation.

Veal received a doctoral degree in nuclear physics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1998 and a bachelor of science degree in physics from Mississippi State University in 1993.

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