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Veterans Committee Memorial Day breakfast is Thursday

By Steve Sandoval

May 22, 2007

The Laboratory's annual Memorial Day no-host breakfast sponsored by the Veterans interest group is Thursday in the Otowi Building cafeteria siderooms A and B.

The Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity (HR-OEOD) co-sponsors the breakfast and talk, which begins at 7 a.m., and is open to the Laboratory work force.

The Laboratory is closed on Monday, May 28, in observance of Memorial Day.

Skip Anderson of Program, Policy and Infrastructure (CT-PPI) is scheduled to speak at the breakfast. The father of three children in the military, Anderson will talk about how the military touches most families, and the history and use of the "silver star in the window."

There are about 1,000 Lab employees who are veterans and numerous other veterans among subcontract personnel.

At the breakfast, the veterans group and HR-OEOD also will announce the winner of its T-shirt design contest. The winning design will be used on T-shirts handed out this fall to Lab personnel who complete the annual Veterans Day fun run and walk. Criteria used to select the winning design included respect for veterans, originality, ease of transition of the design to the silk screen printing process, and creativity.

For more information, contact Charles Brownrigg of HR-OEOD at 7-8695 or brwn@lanl.gov or David Swingle of Assessment Management (CAO-AM), chair of the veteran’s interest group, at 5-9305 or dswingle@lanl.gov by electronic mail.

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