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Installation Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently Asked Questions specific to installation of the current build will be posted to this site based on support requests and your feedback.  If you have questions you would like to see answered on this page, please contact us.

See also:






Where can I find the release notes and installation guide?

Answer: The release notes and the installation guide are available at these locations:

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ArcGIS/ArcEditor Service Pack 3


Must the CCE-provided ArcGIS/ArcEditor Service Pack 3 (ArcGIS8.3DesktopSP3) be installed prior to installing Toolkit 2004?


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How do I get Service Pack 3?

A CCE disk containing Service Pack 3 was distributed to ITS Teams. In addition, a copy of the Service Pack is available on the Team Services Web site on the Supplemental Applications and Instructions page (log-in required).

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How do I know if Service Pack 3 in installed?

To verify if the Service Pack has been installed, go to Start->Programs->ArcGIS->Desktop Administrator. There should be a Service Pack Section of the Desktop Administrator that displays the Service Pack number that should indicate Service Pack 3 on your workstation. ArcGIS Service Pack 3 must be applied against either ArcGIS installations or ArcEditor installations.

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What happens if Service Pack 3 is not on the workstation when I install Build 66?

An error message informs you that Service Pack 3 is needed before you can install Toolkit 2004.

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Export Layout and Toolkit APR Utilities


Must the Export Layout Utility and/or the Toolkit APR Utility be reinstalled after I install Toolkit?

No. Both the Export Utility and APR utility are found in the same installation. They have not changed so they do not need to be reinstalled for this release.

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Check In Wizard 1.00.0035


Must Check In Wizard 1.00.0033 be removed and Check In Wizard 1.00.0035 be reinstalled?

Yes. You must remove the Check In Wizard 1.00.0033 from the workstation to install the new version 1.00.0035. (See the Toolkit 2004 Installation Guide, Version 1.9, Section 3.7, for instructions.) Version 1.0 will remain as the number displayed in the upper left corner of the Check In Wizard window. Click on Help to see that the new version is 1.00.0035. Note that what previously was a two-step installation process is now a single-step installation process. You should install the latest version of Check-In Wizard because it corrects the problem with truncated narratives.

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Where is the new Check In Wizard (1.00.0035) installation package?

Offices can no longer download the Check In Wizard directly from the Toolkit Web site. The Check In Wizard installation package is bundled with the Toolkit 2004 and Toolkit Utilities in the CSToolkit2004V5.0.66_PKG.zip file available from the CCE Team Services ITS Web site under Supplemental Applications and Instructions.

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Soil Data Viewer


Will installing Toolkit 2004 Build 66 remove the Soil Data Viewer?

If Soil Data Viewer is installed, the Toolkit 2004 v5.0 installation package for Build 66 will not remove it. If Toolkit 4.1 is installed without Soil Data Viewer, it will remove Toolkit 4.1. This is a change from prior versions of the Toolkit 2004 installation package.

You can find out about the stand-alone version of Soil Data Viewer here:


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Customized Templates


Will installing Toolkit 2004 Build 66 overwrite templates customized from the ToolkitGIS_Template.mxd file?

Yes, if they are named ToolkitGIS_Template.mxd. The Toolkit installation overwrites the ToolkitGIS_Template.mxd file with the latest version.

If you have customized the ToolkitGIS_template.mxd file located in the
C:\Program Files\usda\Toolkit 5\Templates folder, you must rename it before installing Build 66. (You do not need to rename any of the other .mxd files in the Customer Files folder.)

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